Bella's POV
It had been a week since the incident, the longest week of my life. The right side of my ribs hurt more now than the day it all happened, my right hand was itching like hell, my head felt like it was going to explode, and I was exhausted. The meds were making me sleep, but they weren't enough to keep the nightmares away. That first night at Edward's, I was fine; I slept peacefully. However, after he was arrested, I found myself dreaming about James and the way he touched me. I dreamed about what he would have done had he gotten inside my place; what would have happened had Edward not shown up.
To end the week, adding to my restlessness and stress was Edward's court appearance. Edward originally wasn't going to let me come, but I fought him until I was gasping for air and putting myself in pain which made him cave.
So here I sat in a courtroom in downtown Seattle behind Edward and Jenks. Alexis sat to my right, her matching black-casted hand holding onto mine. Carlisle sat on my left, holding Esme's hand while his other arm wrapped around my shoulders, trying to keep me together. I was a mess, gnawing on my bottom lip; I should have listened to Edward and stayed home. This was all too much for me to handle, but I knew that if I was sitting at home right now, I wouldn't have any nails left.
Edward turned around and offered a crooked smile.
"Love, everything will be okay. Stop chewing on your lip, you're starting to make it bleed."
I brushed my tongue along the skin and tasted the copper and salt mixture. I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes. He held his hand out for me to take and I grasped it because he was my life line, my constant. I felt the instant sparks the moment my skin touched his and I had to admit, that feeling never got old, no matter how many times I'd felt it. I gazed at his face and even with all the purple bruises, he was breathtaking. Before my thoughts could wander too far, the bailiff walked in and asked us to stand for the judge. We did as instructed as a plump, dark skinned woman in her early fifties with shoulder length brown hair in a black robe entered the room. We all took our seats as she did.
"I've been briefed on this case and frankly I think it is a waste of my time and the taxpayers money. Mr. Hamilton, can you please tell me why you're even going through with these charges?" the judge asked.
"The defendant assaulted Mr. Monroe, your honor, that should not go unpunished."
"That may be true, but from what I can tell, it was self defense. He was protecting the victim, a Miss Swan? Is she here today?" she inquired, looking straight at me.
"Yes, she is your honor," Jenks answered, turning around to look at me and I raised my hand, meekly.
The judge continued to stare and I could see for a brief moment that she felt my pain. It almost seemed as if she had once been a victim, and I felt the moisture pool in my eyes from this random woman's compassion. She cleared her throat and averted her eyes back to the folder sitting in front of her.
"I don't need to hear any statements, I'm dropping all charges against Dr. Cullen," she stated.
"But your honor," the prosecutor objected.
"No buts, I've made my decision. You are free to go, Dr. Cullen."
I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a huge weight lift off my shoulders. My migraine was now just a dull ache and felt like it was slowly dissipating. Edward stood up and walked around the railing to kneel down in front of me. He placed his hands on my face and wiped the tears, I hadn't realized had fallen, away with the pads of his thumbs.
"I told you everything would be okay, love," he assured me, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. "One down, one more to go."
I nodded, wrapping my arms around his upper body and pulling him closer to me. I nuzzled my face in the warmth of his neck.
"Speaking of that, James' court date has been set for three weeks from this past Wednesday. Bella, I've been talking to the prosecutor and he is going to want you to take the stand. Do you think you can retell your story?" Jenks inquired.
Edward ran his hand along my back trying to ease my worries.
"Bella, did you hear me?" Jenks asked.
"Yes," I mumbled against Edward's skin.
"Yes, you heard me or yes, you'll retell your story?"
"Yes to both, Jenks."
"Come on, love, lets get you back home. You look tired," he commented, pulling back.
He called his home, my home. My heart fluttered.
He helped me stand and pulled me into his side, letting me lean on him. Alexis grabbed his other hand and we walked out with Esme, Carlisle and Jenks following. Jenks continued to discuss James' trial and what I would need to do. He wanted me to go over my statement with the prosecutor within the next couple of weeks and I just nodded. I didn't want to retell the story over and over again like I knew I would have to do; I just wanted to walk into the courtroom, tell my story, and let my injuries say the rest. I wished I could put James away for life, but unfortunately, what he had done didn't warrant that. I was actually surprised that his case was coming up so quickly; it took months the last time I had to go through this process.
"Jenks, why is his case coming up quickly?" I inquired.
"Well there are a couple of reasons. One, he's a repeat offender. But mainly because his case is in the news since you're dating a Cullen and James comes from a prominent family as well," he explained.
"Speaking of news, there are some reporters outside. Are you two going to be able to handle this?" Carlisle asked, seeing the cameras.
I looked up at Edward and his eyes were closed tight; they opened to look at mine and his features softened. He dipped his head and pressed his warm lips to mine, giving me the strength that I needed to walk outside.
"Dad, can you carry Lexi out to the car for me?" Edward requested.
"No, Daddy. I want Bella," Alexis protested.
"I know you do, but I need you to go with Papa until we get to the car, sweetie. Bella can't carry you and I don't want you to get lost in all the hustle and bustle."
"Bella?" Alexis called.
"You know I'd carry you if I could, baby girl, but I'm not allowed to pick you up. I'll sit with you in the car, I promise."
"Okay." She walked over to Carlisle and lifted her arms for him to pick her up.
"I'll go out first and answer the questions they throw out. I want you all to keep your mouths shut, do not say anything, regardless of how they may provoke you. Edward and Bella follow me, then Carlisle and Esme."
Jenks finished giving us instructions and then headed for the doors. The second we stepped outside the reporters surrounded us, shoving their microphones and recorders in our faces. Edward's grip tightened around me as we descended the stairs, which was painful.
"Dr. Cullen, did you hit James Monroe in a jealous rage?"
"Was Miss. Swan planning on leaving you?"
"Dr. Cullen, did the judge let you go because of your family name?"
"Miss Swan, Rachelle Murcia from KOMO, we're sorry that you are having to endure this, but we would love to hear your side of the story. I think you can help other victims raise their voices."
I looked at the reporter who had just spoken to me and couldn't believe what I saw...the microphone may have been in my face, but she was batting her eyelashes and smiling at Edward. Skank. I heard Jenks yelling at them to back up in between answering their questions, most of them complete lies.
James certainly knows how to tell a story.
I buried my face in Edward's chest and sang the last song that I heard on the radio in my head to keep myself distracted, which unfortunately for me was Miley Cyrus' 'Party in the U.S.A.' Thank you, Radio Disney.
I don't think I took a breath until I was safely in the car. Alexis buckled herself in next to me while Edward stood outside talking to his dad. I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the cool window. The sun was shining, but it was chilly. A few minutes later, the door opened and woke me up. Edward apologized as he turned around and backed out of the parking space. I fell back asleep on the way to his house, only stirring slightly when Edward lifted me out of the car and carried me upstairs to his bed.
"Edward, no!" I woke up screaming.
"Baby, what is it? I'm right here," Edward said, leaning over me.
My hands touched all over his face, I needed to feel that he was really there. He sat up and pulled me into his lap, but my fingers never left his skin. He brought his to cover mine, holding them still against his cheeks then he cupped my face.
"What is it, beautiful?"
"You're here. You're not dead, he didn't kill you," I stated in disbelief.
"No, I'm right here. We're at home in our bed, together. I'm safe, you're safe."
"Oh, God, I thought he killed you. I thought you were dead," I whispered.
"I'm not, Bella. You feel this, I'm here touching you," he said, smoothing my hair back.
"It seemed so real."
"Do you want to tell me about it?"
"No," I stated.
"Please talk to me, Bella," he pleaded. "I know you're not sleeping well because of these nightmares. They're not going to get any better unless you talk about it. Let me in, love."
"I'm scared, Edward," I admitted, feeling the tears trickle down my face. "They just keep getting worse and worse. They're no longer about what actually happened; they've morphed into what could have happened. There's one where he's hovered over me on my bed, tainting all the memories that I have there. My clothes were all ripped and his hands...ugh...they were all over me. I try to push him away, but he's too strong. They're so vivid."
Edward pulled me into his chest and let me cry. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head continuously. When my breaths slowed, he decided to proceed with another question.
"And what about the one from tonight? You woke up screaming my name and you thought I was dead."
"It was down in the stairwell after he kicked me in the ribs. He turned around to face you and you were still lying on the floor. James pulled out a gun. I don't know where it came from, but he walked over to you and shot you multiple times in the chest, laughing maliciously the whole time. Seeing him shoot you..." I shook my head trying to grasp the thought of never seeing Edward again. My throat closed and it was hard for me to breathe as my heart broke. I clutched my hands to my chest and curled my shoulders forward.
"Bella, don't do this. Don't think like that, baby. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily," he joked, which didn't make things any better.
He swayed us back and forth on the bed, his grip tightening around my body. My ribs protested, but that pain was the least of my worries. I didn't know if I'd be able to go on without Edward in my life and Alexis - oh, God, the thought of her losing both of her parents.
"I don't know what to say to make you see, to understand that nothing like that will happen to me," he whispered in a shaky voice.
I suddenly felt the need to be closer to him; I needed to feel him without any barriers between us. I pressed my lips against his neck and made my way to his ear where I licked the outer shell and bit lightly on his lobe. I peppered kisses along his jaw and ended at his lips, placing my hands on either sides of his face and licked his top lip. Edward kissed me back, but it wasn't with the emotions I desired.
"Kiss me," I demanded against his mouth.
"I am," he said.
"No, you're not, you're just moving, there is no feeling behind it," I huffed.
He breathed out and I sucked in his minty taste, which only made me want him more.
"Please, I need to feel you inside me, Edward," I begged.
"I'm sorry, beautiful, we can't. You're in more pain now than you were a week ago and I want you to get better."
"I don't care about my injuries, I want you," I whined.
"I want you too, but it's just not possible. No matter how we do it, I will hurt you and that's the last thing I want to do."
I moved to get out of his lap, but he held onto me tighter. He pressed his nose into my hair and took a deep breath.
"Why do you have to be so irresistible?" he muttered. "I'll need to feel me, well you can, skin touching skin, but nothing can happen, love. We curl up naked together and try to go back to sleep. Does that work?"
I turned my face towards his and kissed him gently letting him know that that idea worked for me. His hands moved to the hem of my long sleeve top and lifted it up over my head. I tried to do the same to him, but he stopped me. Stupid ribs. He moved me off his lap then pulled down my bottoms before slipping off the bed and letting his pool at his feet. Crawling back into bed and pulling me into his side, he covered our bodies with the blanket. I moved my cast arm over his side, trying to get closer to him. Who needs heat when you have Edward?
"Thank you, Edward, for doing this for me. For taking care of me and for letting me stay here in your bed."
"This is our bed, baby. It just isn't the same without you. And Bella..."
I looked at Edward's face and he looked like he was struggling to tell me something.
"What, love?"
He closed his eyes and shook his head.
"Nothing. Let's get some sleep because you know a hyper four year old will be in here bright and early to bother us."
"You did lock the door, right?" I asked, worried.
"Of course." He smiled against my lips.
Edward trickled his fingers over my side helping to ease me into sleep, and this time, I didn't have any nightmares.
It'd been about four weeks since the stairwell incident and we were trying to get our lives back to normal, or at least as normal as it could be with a psycho ex-boyfriend walking the streets. James was out on bail and Edward was going crazy trying to protect Alexis and me. We had gotten a restraining order, but I wouldn't have put it past James to break it.
I was never left alone; the days that Edward had to go to work and I was still recuperating, he had Emmett, Jasper or Jake stay with me. I named it 'Bella Sitting,' BS for short, and groaned every time the doorbell rang. It's not that I didn't enjoy their company because I did; I just hated being doted over. When Edward did it, I didn't mind it so much because it's who he was, what he does, but having our friends and family come over to do it took it to another level. They had their own lives, their own jobs that they were putting on hold to take care of me. I had to admit that the guys did their best to make our time together entertaining. Emmett and I would watch movies that he felt were a necessity to my being, Jasper and I read, while Jake and I played board games.
While Alice and Rose didn't have to baby-sit, they did take it upon themselves to go to my apartment and pack up my things. They brought over the majority of my clothes and put everything else in storage, then I called the apartment complex and ended my lease. It felt weird waking up and going to bed every day in Edward's home for the past three weeks. Of course, I had slept over at his place numerous times, but never this much in such a short time period. My messy tendencies hadn't gotten on his nerves yet and on the bright side, Alexis loved me being around.
Alexis had been nothing but helpful. Some days she was right there bringing me a snack, a glass of water, or a book and other days she would curl up on the sofa with me. Those were the days when Edward had his hands full between the both of us complaining about our casts bothering us. I was surprised he didn't pull his hair out dealing with the two of us.
Things between Edward and I had never been better, on an emotional level that was; we were communicating, sometimes even over-sharing. During one of those conversations, he convinced me to go see a therapist. He said I had some repressed issues that I needed to get out in the open, and when I thought about it logically, I did. I never talked about the first incident with a professional so I didn't get the proper treatment that I needed.
I had my first appointment with a doctor that Carlisle recommended last week. I walked out of the session crying, but I felt lighter. She wanted to know more about my relationship with James and I told her everything. Looking back, I realized that I was in an abusive relationship the majority of the time. I remembered him parading me around parties as if I was a prize that he had won; if I ever stopped to talk to someone I knew, he would tighten his grip around my arm or waist and pull me away after a few minutes. All the bruises I ignored and made excuses for, the times I'd see him at the library if I told him I was studying or working with a group. He wasn't supposed to be there, he always made up some excuse and I bought it each time. He was stalking me even while we were dating; he wanted my life to be consumed by him. Our relationship was doomed to end even before he hit me and Dr. Gianna helped me to realize that.
Working through the past helped me gain the courage I needed to talk about the present, about that horrible day a month ago and the timing couldn't be more perfect. Edward and I had to go to court for James' trial and I was expected to testify after both sides gave their opening statements.
I stood staring at the items on the bed, twisting my hands over and over and biting my lip like it was going out of style. Edward was in the bathroom shaving and I was supposed to be getting dressed, but I couldn't decide on what to put on. I knew no matter what I wore the jury would be analyzing it. I had three options laying out in front of me: a grey tweed pleated neck dress with black stockings and heels, grey tweed flare leg cuffed pants with a teal tee, a pearl necklace and black pumps, or something a little more casual...dark denim skinny jeans, a grey sleeveless blouse with a tan sweater coat and brown boots. Each outfit gave off a different vibe and that was what I was worried about.

"I figured you'd be dressed by now," he breathed against my ear.
"I'm having trouble, my mind is over-thinking everything. The dress says she asked for it, the pants say she deserved it and the jeans say she's lying. That jury is going to be picking me apart, Edward, and I don't want to give them the wrong opinion because of what I'm wearing," I replied in one breath.
He loosened his grip and turned me around to face him. He rolled his eyes to show me how ridiculous I was being.
"The jury is not there to judge the clothes you're wearing, love. They are there to listen to your story and to put a man in jail. Whatever you choose to wear should be based on whatever makes you the most comfortable. My personal opinion...the tweed pants. I think you'll be too cold with the dress and too hot with the jeans, boots and sweater combination. The other outfit is just enough."

I leaned my head against his chest and exhaled; I snaked my arms around his upper body and pulled him closer to me.
"I don't know why I'm so worried," I mumbled into his undershirt.
"I'll be in that courtroom with you so if you need to look at someone, look at me. Tell me your story. We can get through this, beautiful. Together and we'll be stronger in the end."
"I love you."
I pressed my lips to his covered heart and he chuckled lightly. He kissed the top of my head and I released him to finish getting ready. I decided to wear the outfit that Edward chose and let my hair air dry into soft curls. I slowly made my way down the stairs, careful not to trip and fall as I did the week before.
Yes, I'd say it was one of my finer Bella Swan moments. I was home with Alexis by ourselves, Edward had to run out to the store to get some food for the next morning. I was asleep when he left, but woke up with a cottonmouth. I'd decided I was capable of getting my own glass of water so I shuffled my way down the stairs and that's when it happened. I tripped over a pair of shoes in my sleep-induced haze. I tumbled down the last half of the stairs, landing on my bruised side. My screams woke up Alexis who came running. She immediately ran to get the phone and I helped her call Edward who rushed back to find me sitting up against the wall, trying to breathe normally. He was far from thrilled, to say the least, but he kept his anger in check. The worst part about it all was my ribs were close to being healed, but with the fall, I re-injured them.
I walked into the kitchen and Edward handed me a cup of coffee. I told him 'no'; my stomach was churning too much to eat or drink anything. He frowned, but didn't push. The house was quiet...I was lost in my thoughts and Edward, I was sure, was worried about me, but didn't want to voice his concerns. Emmett and Rose were kind enough to take Alexis for us. I leaned against the counter waiting for him to finish cleaning his dishes. He then grabbed his keys off the counter and led the way out to the car.
The drive to the courthouse felt as if it took forever, but my mind was put more at ease when the sounds of Yiruma filtered throughout. I closed my eyes and hummed along to the notes as Edward played them out against my thigh. I would have been turned on by his simple touch and the thought of his fingers playing me, if it weren't for the fact that I was going to court to testify.
Walking up the steps, hand in hand, we were greeted by a group of people who were all there to support me: Jacob, Leah, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, even Quil, Paul and Rachel. I hugged each one of them and thanked them for coming. Our group found the courtroom and filed in, taking up two pews behind the prosecutor who turned around and gave me a small smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see James sitting next to his lawyer, looking like the perfect citizen in his Armani suit. He looked back and smirked in my direction. I tensed and Edward placed his arm behind my shoulders. I leaned into his body, getting comfortable as his scent surrounded me and calmed my nerves.
I looked across the aisle and noticed James' parents sitting together; his mother, Samantha, wore sunglasses inside which, based on James' childhood story, told me that she had a black eye. His father, David, was paying attention to his blackberry with a scowl on his face and, from my perspective, didn't appear to want to be there. Samantha turned her face ever so slightly and caught a glimpse of me; her body stiffened then relaxed as she focused on my face. I saw a tear fall below the frame and she wiped it away with her finger.
I knew she tried to raise James to be better, but sometimes love just wasn't enough. She pursed her lips together and offered an apologetic smile, I nodded my head in acceptance. I didn't blame her for any of this, she was a victim just like me. The only difference being that she wasn't strong enough to get away and she didn't have a support system. I placed my injured hand on Edward's and he pulled me tighter into his side. I closed my eyes to prepare myself for the possible onslaught from the defense.
Once the judge came out, it didn't take long for both sides to present their opening statements and for the prosecution to call me to the stand. I took a deep breath as Edward squeezed my shoulder for support, and I then stood up. Gritting my teeth, I held my head high as I approached the bench. I placed my left hand on the bible and swore to tell the truth, looking around the courtroom as the prosecutor approached, but stopped short when my eyes fell to the right side of the room. I didn't want to look at him, not yet at least.
The questions started off fairly simple, I had to talk about my past relationship with James and why things ended, to which the defense objected to a couple times claiming that it brought up the previous charges in which James had already served his time for. Then it was time for me to talk about the stairwell incident and the knots in my stomach tightened, my mouth became dry. I closed my eyes for a brief second to compose myself and opened them to see Edward's emerald green ones staring back at me with nothing but love and support. I took a deep breath and exhaled turning my attention to my attacker.
He smiled and winked at me and that's when it clicked; all my thoughts of worry and concern vanished and, left in its wake, was the courage and strength I needed. I locked eyes with James and put every painful emotion and all the disgust I felt while he touched me, breathed on me, and licked me into each word that I spoke. I explained that I trusted him and he took advantage of that; that he promised that he had changed and used our previous relationship against me. We went over the photos of my injuries and told the jury that I was still in pain. They didn't need to know that a recent fall caused my injury to still not be healed. I remembered calling myself stupid for falling for his tricks again, but in the end, I wasn't a victim anymore. I had fought back against my attacker and I was facing him as a new woman.
I was sniffling and wiping away numerous tears by the time the prosecution said 'no further questions'. I let out a heavy breath, knowing what was coming next; the cross-examination. I knew James' lawyer was going to put me through the ringer.
His daddy had hired a high priced attorney to get his pretty boy son off the hook.
He started off by discussing the relationship that James and I started to have after he apologized, how I would wave hello to him every time I saw him and 'flirt' subtly. He twisted my words to make it seem like I led poor innocent James, who was getting his life back in order, on. I scoffed at his accusations, but didn't crumble under the pressure.
I was actually surprised at how well I held it together. There were definitely times when I wanted to scream back at the stupidity of his questions and accusations, but I knew that wouldn't solve anything and it would make me look bad. I answered each one politely and with dignity, even the ones where he tried to drag my reputation into the ground by calling me a slut, but in a subtle way. I figured James put him up to that one, always having a problem with my friendship with Jacob and the guys.
I was mentally and emotionally exhausted by the time the judge said I could step down. I needed a Vicodin to numb the pain I was currently feeling. The prosecution called on Sergeant Marcus and some other witnesses, neighbors from my building who say they heard my screams and saw bits and pieces of what happened, but didn't want to get into the middle of things.
And that is why I'm not moving back there.
The prosecution rested and we were released for lunch.
"You, my love, were amazing," Edward whispered into my ear as we walked out of the courtroom. "The way you stared at him, directly in the eyes as you recapped what happened. You are the bravest person I've ever met."
"I needed to face him. He needed to know how he made me feel, how disgusted I am at the sight of him."
"Bella, you were unbelievable up there. He doesn't stand a chance thanks to your testimony," the lawyer smiled as he caught up with us in the hallway. "I think the jury will have the case by the end of this afternoon and hopefully they'll come back with a verdict either late this evening or tomorrow. I'm sure you just want to put this all behind you."
"We do. Thank you for not pushing me to tell the story over and over." I smiled.
"Yeah, I had to fight the bosses on that one. They wanted me to know your statement backwards and forwards, but you knew what you were doing."
"Police Chief's daughter, I was taught to always remember details," I shrugged.
"Well, enjoy your lunch. I'll see you in an hour."
Edward and I nodded our heads then met up with the rest of our group at a diner down the street. The place was busy since it was lunch hour, but they were able to put a couple of tables together for our big group. It was great to see Quil, Paul and Rachel.
It had been too long.
"So, you're the infamous Edward I've heard so much about," Quil commented.
"Well, that depends on what you've heard," Edward replied, chuckling.
"It's all good man. J, here, said you brought Bella back to life, restored her faith in love. That's a tough thing to do since her parents divorced at such a young age, her mom went through man after man, never growing up, and she didn't have the best of luck with guys in college. I mean she and I...we were at two separate places in our lives, but I'll always have love for her. And Paul, here, it was love at first sight between he and Rachel, whatever ounce of faith Bella had left went to their relationship. She just figured she'd end up alone and she had accepted that. Then I heard you walk into her life and she's walking on cloud nine."
Edward ran his hand over my back and his sweet caressing caught my attention. I turned to look at him; he was talking to Quil and Paul and it looked as if it was a serious conversation. I watched as his face changed from puzzled and curious to warm and grateful. He looked into my eyes and smiled as he dipped his head to capture my lips with his in a chaste kiss. I continued to stare at him as he turned back to Quil. I didn't hear anything they were saying, I was too focused on re-memorizing all the lines and the bone structure of his face- the way his nose went straight down smoothly, how his upper lip slightly overshadowed his bottom one, his sexy James Dean like sideburns, his chin and that jaw.
He has the most magnificent and lick worthy jaw line I have ever seen on a man.
"That's what I'm talking about," Quil added. "Look at the way she looks at you. To her, there is no one else in this room."
"The feelings mutual, but I also think some of that is the Vicodin," he joked before getting serious. "I don't know if Jacob told you much about my past, but...Bella brought me back to life. I never lost my faith in love, but I did lose a part of me that I didn't think I'd ever see again. She's my life now."
I smiled hearing Edward say those words about me. I scooted my chair closer to his and kissed his cheek.
"Aww," Rachel cooed, overhearing the last part of the conversation.
"Does she know that?" Paul jumped in and asked.
"I've told her in more subtle ways, but I don't think it clicked for her until now," Edward chuckled.
"Well, from what I can see, she'll do anything for you. You two are an interesting pair to watch."
"Thanks, I think," he responded with a crooked grin.
"I think what Quil means, is it's obvious you two are made for each other and we're just happy that she found you," Paul reiterated.
"Thanks, that means a lot to hear you say that. She considers you guys family and I wouldn't want you to take any bad reports back to Charlie."
"Have you not met Charlie?" Rachel asked.
"No, I've only spoken to him on the phone. He was supposed to come to my daughter's birthday, but he ended up having to work. I'm hoping I can meet him at Thanksgiving or Christmas."
"You want to meet Charlie?" I inquired, running the tip of my finger over his jaw line.
"Of course, love." He smiled down at me.
"We could always take a trip down there, you know for the weekend or something?" I suggested.
"Yeah, we should go this weekend for your birthday, B," Leah added. "I'm sure Charlie and Sue would love to see you, especially after all this drama."
"Is my birthday this weekend? Huh, I must have forgotten," I mumbled.
"Oh, don't play that trick on us, Bella-Bell. Every year you try to get us to forget your birthday and you should know by now that it never works, thanks mainly to Alice. Let's escape city life and go down to Forks. We can have a bonfire on the beach, keep it low key and casual, but still have fun."
"Yes, yes, it'll be fantastic," Alice clapped.
"Do you think Lex would enjoy a trip down to Forks?" I raised my eyebrows in question to Edward.
"Are you kidding? As long as you're there, she'll love it."
"Alright, then it's settled. Road trip to Forks this weekend. We'll leave Friday afternoon and come back Sunday. This is going to be so much fun," Jacob said, rubbing his hands together.
"Okay, now that the weekend plans are settled, it's time to head back to court," Edward stated, checking his watch.
We each paid our bill and walked back to the courthouse. We took our seats and waited for the judge and the jury to return. I could see James talking to his lawyer, but his eyes remained fixed on me. My breaths quickened as I felt his eyes burn into my skin. Alice's hand touched the back of my shoulder and I turned my attention to her; she offered a smile and I took her hand, squeezing it. The jury walked in followed by the judge and the defense got to work.
He called up a couple of James' co-workers to prove that I led James on with my 'flirting' and small chats. Edward's hands tightened into fists as he listened to the defense drag my name through the mud. I placed one of my hands over his and held it; I knew this was going to be hard for him to hear, but we would get through it, together.
Together, I smiled. We were together, but where do we go from here?
As if he was listening to my thoughts, Edward lifted our hands and kissed the back of mine.
Moments later, the defense finished and to be honest, I was surprised they didn't call on James. Considering I was the one who led him on, I was the 'succubus' in their eyes. He was a smooth talker and could probably help their case. The judge called a fifteen-minute recess for both sides to prepare their closing arguments. I left Edward to use the restroom and surprisingly no one jumped up to come with me. They must have known I needed some quiet moments to myself. This nightmare was almost over and soon we'd be moving on with our lives.
I flushed the toilet and opened the door, gasping at who was standing in front of me, leaning against the sink. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her face was perfect not letting any emotion show and those damn sunglasses sat on the bridge of her nose like they were molded for her face. She was dressed impeccably, the perfect Stepford Wife on the outside, but behind closed doors...
"Isabella." She nodded.
"Mrs. Monroe." I smiled, keeping my lips tight.
"You've certainly blossomed in the last two years," she mentioned.
"Thank you, I think." I moved to the sink next to her and turned the water on, running my hands underneath it.
"It was meant as a compliment, dear. I always liked you. You were good for my James, much better than those harlots he'd bring about before he met you. They were only interested in his trust fund, but genuinely liked him. You were a mystery to him." She smiled. "I remember him calling me, complaining that none of his usual tricks were working on you and he didn't know what to do. How I wish things could have turned out differently."
"No offense, but I'm glad things didn't turn out differently. Yes, I could've done without the bruises and injuries, but I'm happy, truly happy and in love now. I know I could never be this way with James, even if he never hit me two years ago." I paused for a moment to reel in my emotions. "This side of him, the monster in him would just be lying in wake, waiting for that moment that sets him off like a ticking time bomb. I'm sorry, Mrs. Monroe, but I don't know how you do it. How you take each hit and act like it never happens. You walk around with your sunglasses on and pretend no one notices, but they do. You're not really hiding anything, least of all from those who have been in your position."
I wiped away the few tears that fell and sniffled.
"I love him and I know deep down he still loves me. He's just so stressed with work," she whispered so softly, I wasn't sure I was meant to hear it.
"You can make all the excuses you want, but at the end of the day, he'll still hit you. I'm sorry you're not strong enough to walk away," I said before leaving her in the bathroom by herself.
Opening the door, I ran right into Edward and he grabbed the sides of my arms to steady me. He bent down to my level and looked at my red, splotchy face.
"What happened in there?" he asked, concerned.
"Nothing really, but I'll tell you later, okay?"
He must have seen something in my eyes that told him I would and he dropped the subject, for now. He snaked his arm around my lower back and led us back into the courtroom. I mostly blanked out while the defense and prosecution argued their sides; instead, I stared at the twelve faces that decided how I'd leave today. Smiling because I was free or crying because I knew James wouldn't stop. I felt the moisture pool in my lids as I thought of that possibility.
I'd have to move away, I wouldn't be able to stay here. Would Edward and Alexis move with me? Could I take them away from his family? They just got him back.
I scooted closer into Edward's side and he kissed the top of my head, rubbing the side of my arm. He whispered his love and I sighed.
The jury was dismissed and I mentally crossed my fingers for a good outcome. I chanced a glance at James and for the first time, he looked nervous. As evil as this may sound, I smiled seeing him doubt his power.
"I don't think the deliberations will take long so I'd suggest hanging around the area," the prosecutor suggested.
"Thanks, we'll keep that in mind," Edward replied.
"Hey Bells, we have to head back," Rachel said, standing behind me. "I'm sorry we can't stay to hear the verdict, but please call us."
"I will, Rach. Thank so much for coming. I've missed you guys." I smiled, giving her a hug.
"We'll have plenty of time to hang out this weekend and catch up. I want to hear more about the hottie doctor and not from the guys." She winked.
"No problem," I laughed.
"Bye, B," Quil said, shoving Rachel aside.
I giggled at his eagerness.
"Bye Quil, take care and send Charlie my love."
"I will. You really got yourself a good one. I don't think you need me protecting you anymore, not with him around," he whispered in my ear.
We pulled apart and I gave Paul a hug. He hadn't changed much, still quiet and broody, but full of love for Rachel. We walked them out and decided to wait for the verdict at Starbucks. We spent most of the time talking about our weekend in Forks, well at least Jacob, Leah and Alice did; I just listened and nodded at the appropriate intervals.
"Where are you, love?" Edward asked, lifting my face to his.
"I know he says not to worry, that it's in the bag, but I still do. What if he gets off, Edward? What do we do then?" I inquired, trying not to let my voice get hysterical.
"We move, we pack up our things and we move to a place where he can never find us," he stated.
"You'd do that for me? You'd leave your family behind, your job, everything here for me?" I questioned, incredulously.
"Of course, love. I said it earlier and I'll say it again, you are my life now. Don't ever forget that. I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to."
I grabbed his face and kissed him hard; I didn't care that there were people around to watch our public display. His words filled my heart, feeling as if it would break out of my chest, it was getting so big. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream how happy I was and how much I loved him, but instead I enjoyed the taste of his soft, heavenly lips.
"You make me so happy," I mumbled against his mouth.
The shrill of my cell phone pulled us out of our love moment. I answered it but kept my forehead against his. It was the prosecutor telling us the jury was ready.
That didn't take long, only a half an hour. Not sure if that was good or bad.
I took quick short breaths as I sat staring at the jury. They had just walked back into the room and had handed the judge their verdict; some of them were looking at me with regretful faces.
"Will the defendant please stand," the judge requested.
James stood up, folding his hands together in front of him. He dropped his head for a brief moment then tightened his jaw and looked up.
The judge asked if the jury had reached a verdict and the foreman said 'yes'. Then he proceeded to talk and suddenly I went deaf; I couldn't hear anything except for a ringing noise in my ears. I shook my head hoping that would help, but nothing. Then I was being pulled up and hugged by all my friends.
What does it mean? Is he guilty?
Esme was holding me, water pooling in her bottom lids, but she wasn't smiling.
Oh, God, he got off. He got off.
My breaths quickened and everything went black.
"Back up everyone, let her breathe. God dammit, back up!" I heard Edward yell.
I was cold and whatever I was lying on wasn't helping the shivers that were running down my body; plus it was hard, too hard against my back. There was some warmth, though minuscule, and hand, someone was holding my hand with a firm grip, it was almost too much. I saw black with white/yellow spots behind my lids.
"She's coming to, look, her eyes are moving behind her lids," Alice mentioned.
"Bella, wake up, baby."
My eyes slowly fluttered open and I watched the people hovering over me sigh in relief.
"What... what happened?" I asked, trying to sit up.
Edward and Jacob each grabbed an arm and helped me up on the bench. I put my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, pushing my hair out of my face.
"You fainted. Are you okay, Bella?" Carlisle replied.
"Yeah, I think so." I shook my head, trying to clear the haze.
"Let's go. We're done, finally," Edward said.
They helped me stand and I looped my arm through Edward's as we walked out of the room. Once outside, I said good bye to everyone and informed them that I was fine with a small smile. Edward helped me into the car; I couldn't wait to get home and into our bed. We made a quick stop at Emmett and Rose's house to pick up Alexis; I stayed in the car as Edward went to the door. They both waved and smiled from the door and I mimicked the gesture back. Alexis hopped in the car and leaned between the center console to throw her arms around me. I hugged her back and gave her a little kiss before she sat back in her car seat. The drive home was quiet; I stared out the window watching the trees and homes flash by. I wanted to curl up inside my body and stay there for a couple of days, but I needed to wait until I got to Edward's where I could do it behind a closed door; where Alexis couldn't see.
Edward parked the car in the garage and I got out on my own. I numbly went up the stairs and sat on Edward's bed. I didn't know how long I sat there before I heard the door close and the spot next to me sink. I laid my head on his shoulders and let the tears that had been waiting to be set free go. He peppered kisses on my head and stroked my hair when I dropped my head in the palms of my hands. I was shaking from the emotions racking through me.
"I know it's hard to believe it, love, but we're free."
I whipped my head up, nearly smacking it against his.
"What did you say?"
"We're free. James is going to jail for at least two years, that's the minimum for a case like his."
"What?" I shook my head, flabbergasted.
"The jury found him guilty."
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