"I love you, too. Bella, will you be my mommy?" she asked so softly that I wasn't sure I had heard her right, but as her bright blue eyes stared at me through her lashes, waiting for my answer I knew my ears were not mistaken. I was stunned that she would ask that question. Yes, we acted like mother and daughter but I would never think she would ask something like that. Pill bottles dropping to the floor pulled my attention from her gaze.
I turned towards the doorway and there stood Esme with a shocked expression on her face, which quickly turned into a small smile.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Edward got a phone call and asked me to bring these up to you. He said to take one of each. You should take the vicodin with some food so I'm making you some soup if you want to wait to take that."
"Thank you, Esme." I smiled weakly.
"I'll just leave these right here," she said, placing the bottles on the nightstand before turning around to leave. "And I'll be back."
"Bella? Will you?" Alexis asked once we were alone.
"I'm sorry, what?" I replied, trying to clear my thoughts.
"Will you be my mommy?" Alexis snuggled into my side and wrapped her arm around my stomach.
This moment reminded me of the children's book, Are You My Mother, where the little birdie walks up to various animals, even a Tonka Truck, asking if each was its mother. The difference, though, was I could be Alexis' mother. I wanted to be that for her, especially since Tanya was taken from her long before she'd had a chance to get to know her. It meant so much to me that she saw me in that way, but it was not up to me.
"I...I...Alexis, I think that's up to your dad," I told her morosely.
"No! No!" she shot up, screaming and shaking her head.
"Lexi, calm down, please stop yelling," I pleaded.
"You say, not him, you!" she shouted.
"Alexis! Stop this yelling right now!" Edward exclaimed, running into the room.
"Not fair, it not fair!" she started to cry as she punched the mattress.
"What's not fair?" he asked, confused. "What's going on?"
"Lexi, please," I begged as the moisture pooled in my lids.
"You have to be, Bella! I won a mom! I won you, no one else!"
Edward's eyes widened as he registered what Alexis had said. His features softened as he walked around the bed to sit next to her, running his hand through his hair.
"I won Bella, Daddy. Tell her she be my mom. Tell her!" she sobbed into my chest. Apparently the anger was gone.
I wrapped my arm around her back and tried to calm her down by running my hand through her hair. I looked at Edward who gave me a crooked grin.
"What do I do?" I mouthed to him.
"What you want." He shrugged.
"What?!" I gasped.
"I'm interested in hearing what you have to say."
"Isn't this something you and I should talk about without her?" I asked, astonished by his reaction.
"No." He shook his head.
I bit my lip and tried to figure out what Edward was doing. Did he want me to talk about my hopes for our future together? I mean, he'd done it before...talking about our future kids. It's not like I never thought about that: the three of us at the park, Edward pushing Alexis and I on swings and me rubbing my round tummy carrying our son. And we did talk about our house.
Edward stared at me intently.
"Lex, look at me sweetie," I told her, trying to lift her body up and hurting myself in the process. I hissed, gripping my ribs.
"Did I hurt you?" she asked, worried.
"No, I hurt myself. Can you sit in your daddy's lap for me so I can see you properly?"
She scurried over to him, leaning against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Lexi, you know I love you, right?" She nodded her head.
"I love you, too."
I smiled. "I don't know how to answer your question, but I do think of you as my daughter, Lex, I have for a long time..."
I giggled at her lack of patience. "Yes, Lex, I'd love to be your mom."
"Hooray!" she shouted, jumping out of Edward's lap and landing on my chest, hard.
"Ah!" I peeped before shutting my mouth so I wouldn't scare Alexis.
The pain medicine had definitely worn off and I was in need of another dose.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she apologized, scooting away quickly.
"Why don't you go see where Nana is with the soup, okay?" Edward suggested.
"Alright," she squeaked, kissing my cheek before climbing off the bed and running out of the room.
Edward lay down next to me and nuzzled his face into my neck. He pressed his lips against my bruises and his touch felt amazing.
"Let it out, baby. She's gone, she won't hear it," he whispered.
I shook my head.
"Bella, you need to stop holding it in. I know you're trying to be strong for my sake, but I can see the pain in your eyes. You shouldn't have to deal with it all alone," he coaxed.
I whimpered as the tears fell down my cheeks.
"I hate that I can't move without the pain shooting throughout my body."
"I know, love. Did you take your meds yet?"
"I haven't had a chance to. Esme brought them in and then Alexis asked me her question and all this happened."
"Okay, let's make you feel comfortable."
I closed my eyes as Edward kissed my jaw then sat up, leaning over me and grabbed the pill bottles off the nightstand. I heard him pop the tops and poured one of each in the palm of his hand just as Esme and Alexis walked in the room. I forced my eyes to open even though my lids fought to stay closed. I was already physically drained and all I had left was the emotional and mental states and both of those were fading quickly. I knew the only thing that would help me recharge was sleep, but I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully without the vicodin, and I wouldn't take it without eating something first. If I took it on an empty stomach, I'd be sleeping next to the toilet.
I pushed myself up into a seated position with Edward's help, my face scrunching at the pain. This is getting old fast. I sighed. Esme placed the tray over my lap and I smiled a thanks before she left us.
"I assed Nana to put a ice cube in da soup so it not too hot," Alexis mentioned, taking a seat next to me.
"Thank you, sweetheart."
I picked up the spoon to start eating but Alexis took it and fed me instead.
"So you not lean."
I smiled as I took a mouthful of soup and Edward chuckled at his daughter's antics. After a couple bites, I stopped her and took my meds. It didn't take long for the effects to start taking over. I slid back down in the bed and Edward removed the tray. I heard him mumble something to Alexis about keeping me company and then I was out.

I turned to face Edward and felt something slide off; the heat that was emanating throughout my body was now gone. I turned slightly to pick up what fell and realized Edward had placed a heating pad on my ribs, my bruised ribs which were covered by a shirt when I fell asleep, but now there is nothing covering my top half. When the hell did I get partially naked? Sneaky little shit.
"Mm, I love waking up with you in my arms," Edward mumbled, his eyes still closed. "No more fighting, and if we do because it's inevitable, we will still come back here to regroup."
"I like that idea," I agreed, stretching my legs and tangling them with his.
"And you must be topless," he commented.
His hands skimmed up my side and his thumb brushed over my perk nipple.
I gasped. "Ungh, you're evil."
"How are you feeling?" he asked, opening up one eye to look at me as he continued to tease me.
I tried to concentrate on his question and not on his hand.
"The heat helped, but it was a little too much for the rest of my body."
"I'd say, you're all flushed. Are you sure you weren't having a dream about me?" he smirked.
"Hm, let me think about that..." I pretended to ponder the question. "I don't need to dream when I have the real thing in front of me."
He slid his right hand under my head and pulled me closer to his body. I threw my right leg over his hip and my splint-covered hand moved to the side of his face, the tip of my thumb grazed his scruff.
"I really wish I wasn't in pain right now," I whispered against his lips.
"Me, too, love. Me, too," he added.

"You're playing with fire," he mumbled.
"Just call me a pyro," I commented, pinching his nipple.
He growled and moved his fingers back to my hip, toying with my panty line.
Note to self...don't get hurt the next time you make up with sexy boyfriend whose fingers know how to make you writhe in ecstasy.
His fingers were so close, oh so close, and I really wanted them inside of me. Just to feel the slightest connection with him at this moment. But my thoughts weren't able to progress much further thanks to my stupid phone.
I know my calculus
It says u + me = us
Said I know my calculus
It says u + me = us
We're together forever, c'mon
We both pulled apart; I groaned as Edward laughed, pulling his fingers away.
"Who's ringtone is that?" he snorted.
"Why?" he continued.
"It has to do with high school and a talent show with him and some of the guys on the rez."
"I have to hear that story."
"Oh no, mister, not from me. That is a story that Jacob needs to tell you."
Well, I've never been good at history
And I don't give a crap about Robert E. Lee
When it comes to cosines,
I know a thing or two
And I kicked ass on the test about me and you
"Are you going to answer that? I don't think I can hear it anymore; I'm about ready to piss myself. I can't believe you have that song on your phone."
I shoved his chest as I turned slightly to grab my phone.
"Hey, Jake," I answered, putting the phone to my ear.
"You plus me equals calculus," Edward chuckled as he rolled out of bed.
Jacob groaned on the other side of the phone and whined to me about that song being his ringtone. I assured him that I didn't tell Edward the story, that I saved that for him. While Edward was in the bathroom, Jacob and I talked about yesterday's events. He was relieved that I wasn't hurt more and he did his best to not make me feel guilty for my stupidity. This is why I keep him around. He asked to come over and, even though I wasn't up for visitors, I said it was okay because I knew Alexis would love to hang out with him. We ended our conversation with him telling me he'd be over in three hours, just in time for lunch. Shocker!
I had just put my phone down when it started going off again.
And everything went from wrong to right
And the stars came out to fill up the sky
The music you were playing really blew my mind
It was love at first sight
I looked up to see Edward with his phone in his hand and a mischievous look on his face as he walked out of the bathroom.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a scowl.
"I wanted to know if I had a fun ringtone like your dad and Jake or a romantic one. Thank you." He smirked.
"Mmhm," I responded, pursing my lips.
He set his phone on the nightstand before pinning me to the bed under him; he kept his weight off me by bracing his arms on either side of me. His legs nudged mine further apart and he settled into place.
"This is where I love having you. It all comes back to this," I concluded, grabbing his face to look into his eyes.
I thought about the first time we slept together. It was after a disagreement, a miscommunication and to prove it was all about me, every thought and every feeling, he came to my place and showed me love. He proved himself once again yesterday by coming to my place to check on me; even after the way I treated him. I knew in my heart that if he hadn't of showed up, I would've gone to his place. I would've skipped over the hospital and came straight to see my doctor, my love. I doubted him so much in the beginning, I was sure making him question my love for him, my faith in us and look at me now.
"Quite a predicament there. See, I love having you on top of me," he argued with a low growl.
When I didn't respond or react, he put his weight on his right arm and stroked my cheek with his left hand.
"Hey, hey, where are you? Come back to me."
My eyes refocused on his and my face fell. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from crying.
"What's wrong, baby?" he asked, concerned.
"I'm just so sorry, Edward. I don't think I can say that enough to you."
"No...no more apologies, no more sad tears. I know you love me, Bella. I can feel it right here," he explained, taking my hand and placing it against his chest, right over his heart. "Because of your love I knew that you were in trouble and that you needed me."
"I was going to come, as soon as I got away from him, I was gonna come to you," I sniffed.
"I know you were. I just got to you first."
He rested his forehead against mine and just stared at me for a couple of minutes. He twirled the ends of my hair around his fingers, something he always did to calm my thoughts.
"Bella," he started, lifting his head. "From the very beginning you knew this, you and me, us were right and you never doubted your feelings for me even when they conflicted with your thoughts. You took a chance on a broken man and brought me back to life. You have taken my daughter under your wing and you have loved her as if she was your own. Not many women would do that, Bella. Believe me, I know. I've heard what some of them have said about Alexis, about the fact that I have quote-unquote baggage, but you don't care. In fact, it turned you on that I'm a ‘DILF'." He smirked before getting serious again. "Because of that, I will never doubt your love for me. And you proved it again last night. I wasn't sure if I'd ever find love again, Bella, but I knew if I did, Lexi would have to love her as well. I was never expecting to find someone as amazing as you so quickly after Tanya's death, but I did. I wasn't sure how Lexi would act around you, but I remember you telling me about her first day. How she wouldn't leave your side and that bond between you two just grew stronger and stronger. Like I told you, I've never seen Lexi take to someone as she has with you. It's because of her that I let my guard down and let you in. For all sense and purpose, you are her mother. You are what she needs when it comes to a motherly figure and you are what I need when it comes to my second half. You complete us, Bella."
I bit my lip, but it wasn't enough to stop the tears from falling.
"No, more tears," he scolded, lightly.
"These are happy tears, my love. You always know what to say to make me feel better. God, I love you."
"And I love you."
He lowered his head and for the second time this morning, I felt his affections for me through those delectable smooth lips and his amazing tongue. My feet caressed his calves and inched higher until they wrapped around his waist, pulling his hips closer. He moaned and ground his semi erection into me, his lips moving from mine but never leaving my skin. They made their way along my jaw and down to my neck where he found that sensitive spot behind my ear. He licked and nipped and I couldn't get enough. I knew he was holding back because of my injuries, but there was no pain. There was only want and need, to show each other that we belonged together.
"I want you so bad right now," he growled into my ear and then sucked on the lobe.
I wiggled against him a little and he bit my shoulder. I gasped from the pleasure it sent down to my core. My heart was racing and my breaths were going in and out quickly, too quickly. I started to feel a twinge in my side and it was uncomfortable, but I just couldn't find it in me to make him stop, my need for him was stronger. I had to push pass it all, my body begged for him. His mouth attacked my pert nipple while his hand paid attention to the other one and I moaned in appreciation.
Through my haze, I thought I heard a soft noise from the door.
"Edward, did you hear that?" I asked, tensing, praying that Edward locked the door.
"Hear what?" he mumbled against my skin.
"Shh, listen, Edward, I think someone is at the door."
He stilled on top of me and waited. There was another soft knock that was barely audible and "Bella, Daddy?"
"Ah, shit," he cursed.
"Hold on, Lex!" I yelled.
I pulled his face up to mine and kissed his lips.
"Remember, this is our future." I smiled.
"That's right, love," he chuckled as he rolled off me and then the bed.
"Where's my top?" I asked, pulling the sheets up to cover me.
"Put this on."
Edward threw me one of his undershirts and I put it on carefully while he pulled on some pajama bottoms over his boxers. I giggled, noticing the bulge and he scowled as he walked to the door, unlocking it and then opening it. He moved out of the way so I could see the little girl standing in her Ariel nightgown, holding her blanket.
"Morning, Daddy," she greeted sheepishly.
"Go on, but be careful."
She ran into the room and jumped onto the bed to snuggle up next to me.
"Hi, Bella." She smiled. "How you feel taday?"
"Better than yesterday, thanks for asking," I told her, kissing the top of her head. "Did you eat breakfast yet?"
"Uh huh, Nana cook for me."
"She did? Did Nana spend the night?" I asked her, but looked at Edward who shook his head.
"Nah, she came dis mowning. Woke me up wit bacon."
"That was nice of her. Hey, guess what? Jakey-Poo is coming to play with you."
"Really?!" she squealed. "Yay!"
"Yes, so you better go get done so he doesn't see you in your nightgown," I said, tickling her with one hand.
She squealed some more and yelled for me to stop as she pushed my hand away.
"Okay, Nana help me and Daddy help you."
"That sounds like a plan. Now go, munchkin."
"I happy you here, Bella."
"Me, too."
I watched her run out of the room and yell for Esme to come help her. Esme came up the stairs with plastic bags, one for Alexis' arm and one for mine. Even with a bath, you could never be too careful. I looked at my phone briefly to check the time and fretted.
"Oh, crap, it's Monday. I'm late for work, really late for work. Edward?"
"Bella, you are in no way capable of going to work today or the rest of the week for that matter. My dad said you needed to take it easy for a little bit and that means no work where you would have to pick up kids. And don't even try to deny that you wouldn't do that," he pointed. "When I called Jacob yesterday, I told him that you wouldn't be into work all week and he agreed, as did Leah, so don't try to fight this decision."
I watched him lecture and pace as I tried to keep a smile off my face. He looked so delectable in just a pair of pajama bottoms, his upper body free of any type of clothing. I would never get tired of him going into doctor mode over me. The best part was...I didn't want to go to work so he technically was wasting his breath. I mean even I'm not that stupid to go to work with bruised ribs when I can't even sit up without cringing. Hell, I plan on milking this for a little bit.
"Why are you hiding a smile? This isn't funny, this is serious," he said, trying to sound angry. He stopped his movements and stood in front of me with his arms across his chest.
"Edward, look at me. Between the bruises and the fracture, I'm more than content to stay here with you. Do you honestly think I'd want to go to work? I just...I was getting myself all in a tizzy because I hadn't called Leah. I was concerned that she didn't know where I was and I didn't want her to worry."
"She knows you're here so no need to worry," he noted before waggling his eyebrows. "Now, I was told to help you get out of your pajamas. Let's go, love."
After a relaxing bath where we didn't get out till the water was making my teeth chatter and we were well past pruning, Edward lifted me out of the tub. He wrapped a warm, fluffy robe around my shoulders and carried me back into the bedroom.
"Do I even have normal clothes here or are they all pajamas?" I asked, watching him pull out drawers.
"I think you have jeans and maybe a tank that you left here. You really should leave more clothes here considering how much time you spend here. And speaking of that...I don't want you going back to your place."
"Edward, I like being here with you, but don't you think that's going to get a bit too much? We both like having our space."
"Bella, James could get bond, I don't want you by yourself," he said, serious. "You know I can't stay with you there, not with Alexis."
"But I don't want him to come here. He knows that you live here."
Edward stood in front of me, placing my clothes on the bed.
"I can protect you," he said, holding my face.
"I know that, I just worry about Alexis."
"I do too, but I can protect both of my girls."
"He isn't right in the head, Edward. I have every faith in your ability to protect us, but I'm worried about what he'll do to you."
"I won't let him come near us. I'll get a restraining order, whatever it takes to keep us safe."
"Thank you," I said, giving him a quick peck. "And, yes, I'll stay with you...for now. I agree, I won't be able to go back to that place, it's tainted with bad memories, but I do want my own place."
"Once everything settles down, we'll go looking, but here's the thing...I don't think Lexi will be as willing to let you go." He smiled mischievously.
"Oh, that is just mean, Edward. Don't pull the daughter card on me," I growled as I attempted to hit him in the stomach, but he blocked me.
"Bella, I know we need to get downstairs, but," he started, taking my injured hand in his, "why did you punch the wall? I know you're not a violent person, what happened?"
I looked down at the ground, not wanting to stare into his eyes at that moment. I tried formulating the right words, but I knew no matter how I said it, he wouldn't be happy.
"You left without seeing me and I was hurt, but the anger was stronger. I went into my room and started throwing things, anything just to get the anger out of me. They all tried to stop me, but I didn't want to hear it so I kicked them out. Once everything was off the dresser, I was still mad and I didn't have anything else to throw, so I punched the wall until it took the pain away."
"Bella, look at me, love," he ordered, crouching down to my level.
I lifted my head to see his emerald eyes level with my own.
"Please don't ever hurt yourself again. I rather you had called me and yelled at me for what I did than for you to have to break things and injure yourself. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain..."
I placed my injured hand over his mouth to stop him.
"Remember what you told me earlier? No more apologizing. I like that we can talk about this, but please let's stop saying sorry. I want to move pass this with you."
"I do, too, love."
We kissed once more and then he helped me get dressed. He carried me downstairs and sat me on the sofa while he made us some sandwiches. Alexis kept me company on the couch until the doorbell rang a couple of minutes later and she jumped up and squealed all the way to the front door.
"Jakey-Poo is here!" she screamed.
"Alexis Grace don't you dare answer that door without a grown up!" I ordered.
"I'm right behind her, Bella," Esme assured, jogging to catch up to the quick four-year-old.
I heard a voice that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The smugness in it did not appease the bad feeling I suddenly felt as I heard Esme tell Alexis to come see me and then she called for Edward.
"Bella, dere a cop at the door," Alexis told me. "He here to see Daddy."
"What?" I jumped up, trembling from the strain of standing up and commanded. "Lexi, stay there, don't move!"
I clutched my side and walked as quickly as I could to the door just in time to see that evil Officer Caius handcuffing Edward.
"What are you doing?" I asked, completely puzzled.
I couldn't believe this was happening. Edward was being arrested for protecting me and I didn't know what to think. There was nothing I could do; I wanted to save him as he saved me, but I couldn't go against the law. I wanted to call my dad, but what could he do from Forks. This had to be some kind of sick joke.
"Edward Cullen, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent..." Caius rambled off.
I stopped listening and stared at Edward, who let Caius arrest him without putting up a fight. He was completely calm.
How could he be so willing to go when he did absolutely nothing wrong? Fucking James.
"It's okay, Bella. James is just trying to get under our skin. Everything will be alright," he said trying to comfort me.
"I can't believe he's doing this. This is ridiculous. I can't believe you're arresting the good guy and you're happy about it. How is this possible?" I sputtered.
"Edward, Jenks will meet you at the station, he's on his way now," Esme mentioned, pulling her cell phone away from her mouth. "I'll be following you there. We'll get you out quickly, son."
"What the hell is going on?" Jacob inquired, coming down the walkway.
"Jacob, stay with my girls," Edward begged.
"No, Edward, I'm going with Esme."
"You can't, Bella, not in your condition. Besides, I need you to be with Lexi, she has to be scared with everyone out here. I need you to keep it together, love, for her."
"I love you," I said.
"I love you, too," he replied as Caius shoved him up the walkway and to the patrol car on the street.
Jacob took the last few strides separating us and wrapped me in his arms.
"It'll be okay, Bella-Bell. He'll be back before you know it."
I wouldn't cry, I couldn't cry. I needed to be strong for Edward and Alexis. I needed to walk back through that door and pretend as if nothing happened.
How am I going to do that? That child is not dumb; she's going to know something is going on.
"Bella, I scared; what is going on?" Alexis peeped through a crack in the door. "Where Daddy?"
"I'll be right there, sweetheart. I just need to talk to Nana. Why don't you go inside with Jake?" I suggested.
He gave me a suspicious eye.
"I promise I'm not going with her. Edward's right, I need to be here with Lex."
Jacob opened the door wider and picked up a jumping Alexis then closed the door behind them. I briefly talked to Esme, who tried to appease my worries. Like Edward, she was completely calm and unnerved by this situation. She promised to bring Edward back to me within the hour and I didn't doubt it; not that I cared about Edward's name, but the Cullens had some pull in this city. She said good-bye, cupping my cheek and offering a smile since a hug was out of the question. I waved to her as she backed out of the driveway.
I went inside to join Jacob and Alexis; they were putting a puzzle together. Alexis gave me a big smile as she ran over to me and wrapped her little arms around my waist.
"Jakey-Poo, Bella is my mommy," she boasted.
Jacob looked at me with a beaming smile and I couldn't resist smiling back. Daughter like father, Alexis knew how to cheer me up in an instant. I took her hand and sat down on the sofa watching the two of them play. I tried to keep my thoughts on the two people in front of me, joking around and teasing each other, but every few minutes my thoughts wandered to Edward. I wondered what he was going through at that police station. Deep down I knew the charge against Edward was bogus, it was self-defense and any judge would agree, but at this moment, it was hard to think rationally.
I just wanted this two-day nightmare to end.
I'm never going to hear the end of this once Emmett finds out. He is going to rag on me every chance he gets, which I can handle because I can dish it right back, but I don't want Bella to be constantly reminded of this moment. I know her; she's probably sitting on the sofa feeling guilty. I know she wanted to apologize while this punk ass read me my rights, but after our discussion this morning, she stopped herself. I'm just glad that Jacob came when he did; there's no way I could've left Bella with Alexis. Alexis would've wanted to be held and coddled and Bella can't do that in her condition right now. Ah! I should be at home taking care of her, but instead I'm sitting in the back of a fucking squad car, with my hands behind my back handcuffed together.
I peered up to look into the rearview mirror and the dickhead still had that smug look on his face. Fucking douchebag. He really is fresh out of the academy. About twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of the precinct. The assface stepped out of the car, then opened the back door and pulled me out a little too roughly. He shuffled me inside and I took a minute to look around the place. There were people handcuffed to chairs, I was assuming they were waiting to be booked, visitors waiting on the other side, and men and women in uniform bustling around. The place smelled like burnt coffee and grease.
Thankfully, I didn't have to sit there with the other suspected criminals; I was taken straight into booking where I was passed onto another officer who processed me. Never thought I'd be fingerprinted. Again, Emmett is going to have a fucking field day when he finds out. I'm sure Mom and Dad thought he'd be the one in this situation, not me. I went through all the motions, finger, ink, roll left to right, finger, ink, roll left to right, finger, ink, roll left to right with each finger and two thumbs. I rambled off some basic information before I was given back to the doofus. Doofus? Really? I think the stench in here is messing with my head.
"You're a lucky son of a bitch, pretty boy. Your mommy pulled some strings and used her money to get you out of here right away. I would've loved to see you sit in there with the criminals, knocking that cockiness down a level. Think you're the shit because you're a fucking doctor and a Cullen," he sneered, uncuffing me.
"What does my last name have to do with anything?" I asked confused.
"Oh, Edward, you're alright," my mom sighed, seeing me round the corner.
"Mom, I've been here for like fifteen minutes, not much can happen besides booking," I explained, rolling my eyes at her over protectiveness.
"Jenks is in the other room right now paying your bail. Ah, and here he comes. Jenks, can we leave?" she asked, turning her attention to him.
"Yes, Esme, Edward is free to go. He'll have to appear before a judge in a couple of weeks, but he is a free man until then. Edward, you just need to stay out of trouble. Please don't go looking for any fights."
"Har, har, Jenks," I mocked laughter.
"I'm sure you want to get home so we can discuss the charges another day. But I'm serious, Edward, stay out of trouble," he pointed.
"I can't believe you, Jenks. You know me better than that," I said defensively.
"Yes, I do. Watching you and Emmett grow up, I'm surprised I haven't been called to bail one of you out of jail before now. In fact, I actually thought it'd be your brother, not you," he pondered.
"Thanks for having so much faith in me, Jenks. I appreciate it and thanks for coming down here," I said, patting him on the shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, go home to your family."
"My family." I smiled as I thought about Bella and Alexis waiting at home for me. "Let's go, mom."
The ride home was quiet. My mom left me to my thoughts, which were being consumed by Bella and my little girl. I closed my eyes as I thought about holding both of them in my arms.
I still couldn't get over Alexis asking Bella to be her mom last night and the way she reacted to Bella stalling. I also couldn't get over Bella's face, she was white as a ghost, but the color slowly came back once she saw mine. I think my happy reaction helped. To be honest, I wasn't sure how I would have reacted if that conversation ever came up. I actually wasn't expecting it to come so soon. I was amazed my daughter was so forthcoming with her feelings; she didn't get that from me.
She reminded me so much of Tanya. Even though she was gone, I'd always be so grateful to her for giving me Alexis and for bringing me Bella. She had to have had some hand in that, even though I was sure Rose would say otherwise. I had to smile, thinking how lucky I was to have been blessed with two great loves in my short life. Wow! Where'd the sappiness come from? Man up, Cullen.
My mom pulled into the driveway, which was now full of cars, and we both got out looking at each other bewildered.
"Why'd you call everyone, Mom?" I asked, walking down the walkway.
"I didn't, Edward, I only called your father," she replied.
I pushed the button down, opened the door and then closed it in time to turn around to catch a flying munchkin.
"Daddy! You home!" she exclaimed, wrapping her small arms around my neck.
"Hey Lexi, did you miss me?" I asked, looking for Bella in the small crowd of people gathered in my home. I locked eyes with her; she was sitting on the sofa with a heating pad.
"Uh huh, are you okay?" she inquired, looking at me and touching my face with her little hands.
"I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine."
I carried her over to the sofa and sat on the edge next to Bella. I took her face in my hands and looked at her intently.
"Are you okay?" I questioned, softly.
"I'm so much better now that you're here with us," she sighed, biting her lip.
I leaned into her face and pressed my lips firmly against hers. I didn't move, this kiss was my way of reassuring her that everything was going to be fine. I ran the pads of my thumbs over her cheeks when I felt moisture against my skin.
"Oooo, mommy and daddy are kissing," Alexis teased.
I pulled away after one more and chuckled with Bella.
"Mommy?" Rosalie and Alice gasped in unison.
"Yeah, Auntie Rosie, Al, Bella say she be my mom," Alexis beamed.
"But I thought you were going to ask me since I take you shopping so much," Alice joked.
"No, you not kiss daddy, you kiss Jazzy."
"So, only people who kiss your daddy can be your mommy?"
"Uh huh." She nodded.
I looked at Bella, who was turning red during this conversation, but she kept a smile on her face the whole time. I'm sure she was having some naughty thoughts in that pretty head of hers so I winked which only made her blush more, but this time it wasn't on her face. I swallowed a groan and ran my hand through my hair thinking about puppies, kittens, baseball, anything but Bella's flushed skin; she giggled, which wasn't helping the situation.
Everyone's laughter helped pull me back to reality and back to my thoughts outside.
"What are you all doing here?"
"Well, Jazz and I came by to see how Bella was doing and she told us what was going on with you," Alice explained. "I can't believe him. He has just hit a new low."
"And I stopped by after dad called me. Then I called Rosie, who was with the boys and wanted to make sure Bella was okay," Emmett added.
"Thank you everyone for caring, I really appreciate it. There really isn't anything we can do today; it's a waiting game until I go before a judge. Have you eaten?" I asked, turning my attention back to Bella.
"Yes, Jake made me some soup to go with my meds," Bella smiled.
Alexis chose that moment to leave us to go play with her cousins. Everyone else settled in, making themselves at home. We talked briefly about the nightmare that Bella and I were going through, but the sour note didn't last long with both Emmett and Jacob in the same room; they were quick to start with the jokes. I shook my head over most of them, but some of them did have me laughing and Bella, too. However, I did feel some guilt as she clutched her side with each giggle, but she continued laughing through the pain. Amazing. It was good to see her laughing.
Everyone started filtering out after an hour; they all had things that they had to go do. My parents stayed for dinner and even cooked for us while I lay on the sofa with my girls. Bella ended up falling asleep on my chest for a little bit while Alexis lay in the crook of my arm watching Finding Nemo. I ran my fingers through Bella's hair and thought about how perfect this moment was, the three of us lying together like this. I think I really want Bella to move in.
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