"Mmm, hi," I mumbled against the lips that were on top of mine.
I opened my eyes to see Edward's face above me. I could feel his boxer-brief clad body lying next to me; he was giving me the biggest smile I'd ever seen from him.
"Hello, beautiful. How'd you sleep?"
"Wonderfully, you?"
"Great," he said, giving me a sweet kiss.
"How long have you been awake?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair.
"Not long, only about ten minutes."
His eyes were sparkling and I smiled, knowing that I was the reason behind it.
"What are you smiling about?"
"Yes, you. I've never seen you smile so big or your eyes sparkle so much."
"Well, I have you to thank for that. Thank you, Bella," he said, staring into my eyes.
"For what?"
"For letting me show you how you make me feel. For understanding the way I had been feeling." He paused to give me another kiss. "You're so wonderful. How did I get so lucky?"
"What? You think I should've let you feel guilty some more?" I asked, not really needing an answer. "Edward, I was upset when you told me about Tanya, but all that anger is now gone. You showed me that your heart and your head are with me. Thank you for trusting me," I told him, softly kissing his lips.
That simple kiss led to more kissing and then a full on make-out session. I pushed Edward onto his back, rolling on top of him. I ground my hips into his, making him groan into my mouth, and making me instantly wet.
"Are you ready for round two?" he murmured.
I let my hips answer him and I moaned as he rolled us back over, his lips never leaving mine.
"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled.
There was no need to take things slow this time, because without a doubt, we both wanted this. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed his underwear down with my feet. He growled.
His lips ravaged my neck, licking and nipping. My body writhed beneath his as he found my sweet spot. I felt Edward's cock against my leg and began to moan softly.
"Edward, I want you," I whispered into his ear, bucking my hips toward him and digging my hands in his hair. "I want to feel you inside of me."
I felt him shudder at my words. He positioned himself and, before I could think of anything else, he pushed into me. My back arched and my head titled back as he moved in deeper.
"You feel so good around me, Bella," he said, holding still, getting adjusted to the warmth.
"Oh, yes, Edward," I gasped as he pulled almost all the way out before pushing all the way back in.
He moved at his own pace, it wasn't slow, but it wasn't rough and fast...yet. My hips met each one of his thrusts as my legs tightened around him. I told him how amazing he felt inside me and how he made me feel into his ear. His pace picked up and he grunted more with every word I spoke. I loved hearing his grunts and feeling his warm breath against my neck.
"Bella," he growled.
He lifted his head and attacked my lips. I could feel the sweat on his face as he kissed me. I licked from his dimpled chin up to the tip of his nose and oh, his sweat tasted so good. I sucked and nipped on his bottom lip, and his thrusts became faster, our tension building. I curled my arms under his shoulders, preparing myself for my impending climax.
"I'm almost there, Edward. Go faster," I moaned.
The tension was becoming unbearable. Finally, I felt my walls clench around him and I felt like I was gliding.
"Yes, Edward!" I yelled.
Edward's lips crashed into mine and I moaned into his mouth, riding out my orgasm. His thrusts slowed down, but they didn't stop as I realized he still hadn't come.
"Edward," I said, breathless.
"Shhh," he said into my lips.
He continued to slide in and out, and I could feel the tension begin to build again,
"Come on, Bella, you know you want another one," he whispered into my ear. "I want you to come with me, Bella. Come with me this time."
"I want to come with you, Edward," I moaned.
His fingers pinched and turned my nipple as his mouth sucked and licked the other one. I was getting closer so I slid my hand between us, down to my core and started rubbing my clit.
"I'm almost there, Edward."
"Come on, Bella, you can come with me," he groaned, his breaths ragged. I knew he was holding out for me.
"Just come, Edward," I said, breathless.
"No," he grunted, sliding all the way out and pushing back in, harder, deeper.
My back arched as he hit that ecstasy spot straight on. The tension was boiling over and I screamed out as he thrusted back, hitting the spot again. I felt his body stiffen and we both came undone at the same time.
"Bella! My beautiful Bella!" he exclaimed.
"Oh, Edward!" I murmured, my head tilting back into my pillow.
His body relaxed on top of mine and I reveled in the feeling of his weight on me. He rolled over onto his back, pulling me on top of him. His hands ran up and down my back while I rested my cheek against his sweaty body. We lay there quietly for a few minutes, trying to catch our breaths. I placed a kiss in the middle of his chest before looking up at him.
Edward had his eyes closed, some of his hair matted on his forehead from the sweat. My body rose up and down with every breath he took. I couldn't believe this unbelievable man was mine. He wants to know how he got so lucky, but I've been asking myself the same question.
I pretty much swore off men after everything that happened with James. I couldn't take another chance of getting swept off my feet then hurt again. I went on a couple of dates, but I never felt comfortable...I was still scared. Then Edward came along, and I let my guard down. So far, the decision to let him in had been the best decision I'd made.
"Edward, that was...that was amazing." I smiled.
"Thank you," he smirked.
I smacked his chest lightly but couldn't keep from giggling.
"Alright, well I'm going to go shower, get this sweat off me," I said sitting up, straddling him.
"Can I join you?" he asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Of course," I replied, leaning down for a smooch.
I got off him and held my hand out for him.
"Hey, Bella," he asked, sitting up and taking my hand. "Dr. DILF?" He looked up at me, cocking a brow.
I felt my face go red and my eyes go wide.
How does he know about that nickname? I didn't tell him. Oh God, was I talking in my sleep?
I pulled my hand out of his grasp and ran for the bathroom, but he was too fast for me. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his chest as I reached the doorway.
"Is that what you call me, Bella? Dr. DILF?" he whispered, seductively in my ear.
My body shivered against him.
"No, not really," I said, as he turned me around, tightly holding onto me so I couldn't escape.
He cocked his brow again, urging me to continue.
"Fine," I sighed. "It was the nickname I gave you after the first time we met. It's how I referred to you when I was talking to Alice. I just wanted her to know how hot you are, and I thought that was the easiest explanation. That nickname kind of stuck with us," I mumbled into his chest.
He hooked his finger under my chin and lifted it. He shook his head and started laughing, a head thrown back laugh. I dropped my head, resting my forehead against his chest, completely embarrassed.
"I don't think I've heard of that. A MILF, yeah, but not a DILF. Well, I'm honored you think I'm a DILF. Thank you, beautiful," he said, kissing the top of my head.
"Edward, you're hot," I told him. "Now, if you're done discussing the nicknames I've given you and embarrassing me, can we please take a shower? We both smell." I turned around getting out of his grasp.
"Yeah, we smell like we both had sex. I don't see a problem," he said following me into the bathroom.
No, smelling like Edward and sex wasn't a bad thing at all, I thought with a smile.
After our shower, where we washed each others' hair and bodies, caressed a little, and kissed, we decided to order some Chinese. We curled up on the couch and I made him watch Newsies with me. Nothing like having sex, eating Chinese, then watching Christian Bale sing and beat people up with your boyfriend. It was adorable watching him get into the movie.
Since we slept so late, we didn't get to bed until after two o'clock.
"Bella?" Edward called in the sweetest voice to get my attention.
I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth.
"Yeah?" I asked, spitting into the sink.
"So, today is Sunday," he started.
"Yes, it is," I said, walking into the room
I leaned against the doorframe and gazed at the gorgeous man sitting up in my bed. He looked so natural lying there with his arms behind his head, his hair in disarray, a smile on his face, his green eyes looking warmly at me, and his feet crossed at the ankles. He smirked when he noticed me eyeing him; I smiled back.
I ran and jumped onto the bed. He pulled me into his chest and peppered kisses all over my face. I sighed, molding myself against his body. My hand ran up and down his back, his muscles flexing under my fingertips. He slipped his right hand under my shirt and caressed my lower back. My skin tingled under his touch.
"You know how I go to my parent's house every Sunday for brunch?" he asked, before kissing my lips.
"Mmmhmm," I hummed, seeing as my lips were preoccupied.
"I would like you to come with me," he mentioned against my lips.
I pulled back, surprised by his offer.
"You really want me to meet the rest of your family?" I asked, warily.
"It's not just about meeting my family. This is what I do every Sunday with Lexi. I want to get you more acquainted in my life. I want to make you a part of my life."
I looked into Edward's eyes and smiled. He had taken a giant leap in our relationship in less than twenty-four hours. Now it was my turn to do something for us.
"Okay, Edward, I'll come with you to Sunday Brunch."
"Are you sure, Bella? I want you to come because you want to, not because you feel obligated to."
"I don't feel obligated, Edward. I want to meet the rest of your family. I want to meet your brother, Emmett. I want to see if he really doesn't have a filter. I want to meet your dad, Carlisle. I want to sit down and talk to your mother and let her show me baby pictures of you."
He groaned, running a hand through his hair when I mentioned that, and I giggled.
"I'm ready to hear those crazy childhood stories that you would never tell me because you're too embarrassed." I smiled, tickling his stomach.
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, grabbing my hands. "No tickling." He pointed a finger at me and gave me a stern look.
"Now you know how it feels, Dr."
"How what feels?" he asked, coy.
"How it feels to be tickled."
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" he asked, releasing my hands getting a little gleam in his eye.
"Edward?" I eyed him suspiciously. "Don't you dare," I pointed, but it was useless.
His fingers were on my sides making me squirm and giggle. I tried to push his hands away, but he was stronger than me.
"Stop, Edward, stop!" I laughed, rolling onto my back. "You're making my sides hurt," I said, wrapping my arms over my stomach.
He stopped, rolling on top of me. He brushed my bangs out of my face as I stifled my laughter.
"Your laugh is like music to my ears," he said, softly.
"Hence, why you like tickling me." I smiled, tapping his nose.
"Yes. You know what else I like?"
"Oh, do tell, Dr."
"How about I show you?"'
Edward licked his luscious lips before pressing them against mine. They moved roughly, his tongue licking my top lip seeking access. I smiled, keeping my mouth shut, making him work for it. He growled at my stubbornness. I could feel the heat begin to pool between my legs with that animalistic sound. I wiggled my hips against his growing erection.
"Bella!" he murmured.
I giggled. He pulled away and looked at me with that evil glint in his eye.
"You want to play dirty?"
Edward pressed his erection against my core and I moaned. He grabbed my hands and held them above my head.
"Are you going to play nice?" he asked, brushing his nose along my neck.
"Edward," I mewled.
"That's what I thought."
Edward kissed his way to the sweet spot behind my ear.
I sighed, tangling my fingers in his hair. I pulled his head up and crashed my lips to his. He immediately ran his tongue across my bottom lip and I opened for him. Our tongues fought for dominance. He rolled us over so I was lying on top of him. His hands ran down my back cupping my butt, and I moaned into his mouth as I felt him smile.
Our kisses slowed and I sucked on his bottom lip as I sat up, straddling his abdomen.
"Edward." I bit my bottom lip.
"Yes, beautiful?" he asked as his hands rubbed along my thighs.
"We can't do this now."
His bottom lip jetted out.
"Don't get me wrong, I want to," I said, kissing his pout away. "But it's nearly three o'clock, and I want to be rested if I'm meeting your family. I don't want to walk in with bags under my eyes. From what you've told me about Emmett, he will totally call us out on it and I don't want your parents to know we're having sex."
"Bella, I'm twenty-eight years old, I have a kid, they know I have sex." He smirked.
"I know. I just don't want them to know that we're exhausted because we spent all day having sex. Plus, Edward, this is just the beginning." I smiled, wiggling my hips.
"You're not helping, Bella," he groaned.
"Oh, sorry," I apologized.
I slid off of him and crawled under the covers. He slid under the covers, too. I reached over and turned the lamp off before settling in on my side.
"Bella?" he whispered in my ear as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"Yes, Edward?"
"Sweet dreams, beautiful."
I twisted myself around to face him and I kissed him softly.
"Thank you. You, too."
Edward rolled onto his back and pulled me into his side. I laid my head against his chest, slid my hand over his abdomen and threw my leg over his.I awoke six hours later to the smell of bacon, eggs and vanilla-nut coffee, and the spot next to me empty. I rolled out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
Edward was standing in front of the stove, shirtless, with a hand towel over his shoulder and a spatula in hand. I walked up behind him, sliding my arms around him, kissing the middle of his back.
"Morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" he asked, looking back at me.
"Peacefully, you?"
"Same, but I was woken up by your talking."
"Ugh, I'm sorry," I apologized.
I left his side to grab a cup and poured myself some coffee, taking a sip.
"It's okay, it beats Lexi kicking and grinding her teeth. Plus, now I know you're more nervous about meeting my family then you led on. You know you have nothing to be nervous about right?" he asked, handing a plate to me and kissing my temple.
"Yes, I know, but I only briefly met your mother and sister-in-law. Now, I actually have to sit down and have a conversation with them. What if they don't like me, Edward? I know how much their opinions matter to you," I explained, taking my plate to the table.
"The only thing that matters to my family is that I'm happy, and Bella, you make me happy." He smiled.
"Well, the feeling is mutual."
We ate, showered and headed to his place so he could grab a new pair of clothes, then drove to his parents' home next to Lake Washington.Pulling into the driveway, my jaw dropped. The house was just picture perfect with a contemporary design. We parked behind a black Mercedes SUV; Edward walked around the car and opened the door for me.
"Edward, are you sure I'm dressed okay?" I asked, fiddling with my black knit skirt and pink square-neck top. "I feel a little under-dressed compared to you." I referenced his outfit with my hand, which he grabbed.
"You look perfect, Bella. Too perfect even," he said, pushing my bra strap under my shirt. "You ready?" he asked as we reached the door.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
He squeezed my hand for reassurance before opening the door.
The outside of the house didn't even compare to the inside. It had spectacular architectural details. The minute you walked in the door, you saw a four-story atrium staircase to your right. I strained my neck trying to see what was at the top. Next to the staircase was a modern dining room set followed by the sitting room and the kitchen.
It was one big open space.
There was a floor to ceiling window against the back wall with a view of the lake that took your breath away.
"Edward, it's breathtaking. You grew up here?" I asked, placing my free hand over my chest.
"Erm, yeah," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "Come on, everyone should be outside."
We walked out the back door where Edward's parents, brother and sister-in-law were sitting around a table chatting; the kids were playing in the grass.
"Edward, you're here!" Esme exclaimed.
She stood up and approached us with her arms open. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before stepping back and looking at me.
"Bella, what a surprise! I didn't know you were coming, but I'm so glad you're here," she said, giving me a hug.
I was surprised by her friendly gesture. I mean I'd only met this woman once. Not even my own mother greeted me with such warmth.
"Hello, Esme, it's good to see you again. Your home is beautiful."
"Thank you. Has Edward given you a tour yet?"
"No, mom, I figured I could do that later."
"Oh, good point. Have a seat, you two. What would you like to drink, Bella?"
"Water is fine, thanks."
Edward grabbed my hand and we walked over to the table for the introductions.
"Edward! How have you been, son?" Carlisle asked, standing up to greet us.
Whoa, now I know where Edward gets his manly looks.
Carlisle had a chiseled jaw just like Edward and the same pointed nose. He had blond hair a little longer than Edward's, piercing blue eyes and a cute smile.
What is with the men in this family and being walking DILFs? Oh, God, I cannot think of my boyfriend's father in that way. Focus, Bella.
"Great, dad, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Bella. Bella, this is my father, Carlisle."
"It's nice to meet you, Dr. Cullen," I said, shaking his hand.
"Please, call me Carlisle, and it's nice to put a face to the name that I've heard so much about."
I sneaked a peak at Edward and his cheeks flushed. I giggled, turning my attention to the man standing on my other side.
I figured it was Emmett and he was big. If I hadn't heard stories from Edward, I would've been slightly scared. You could tell Emmett was a fan of the gym because he was very muscular. He had dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes like Carlisle, the same chiseled jaw and the most adorable set of dimples I'd ever seen on anyone. The moment he smiled, all the fear left my body and I just wanted to hug him.
"Hi, I'm Emmett. You must be Bella and it looks like you two made up," he said, sticking a hand out and wiggling his eyebrows.
Now, I was the one blushing. Emmett let out a booming laugh making me jump slightly and Emmett laugh some more.
"I like her, little E."
"Emmett, behave," Rosalie said, smacking Emmett upside the head. "Hello, Bella. Please ignore my husband. It's good to see you again," she said, kindly.
"It's good to see you, too, Rosalie."
"Bella!" I heard Lexi scream. I turned around in time to catch the little girl who threw herself at me. I giggled as we did our Eskimo kiss.
"Hi, Lexi, how are you?"
"Good. I missed you. Where you go?"
"Oh, I had to go home and I missed you too."
"You stay next time," she stated.
"We'll see, okay?"
"Okay." She nodded.
"What? No love for your dad?" Edward asked, holding his hands out.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed, reaching her hands out to go to him.
"That's more like it," he said, taking her out of my arms and giving her a kiss. "Were you good for your Uncle Emmie and Aunt Rose?"
While Edward chatted with his daughter, Rosalie called me over to the outside bar.
"How are you doing, Bella?" Rose asked, handing me a flute of what looked like orange juice, but after a sip, I realized it was a mimosa.
"I'm good," I replied with a cough.
"How did things go between you and Edward yesterday, if you don't mind me asking? I know he was pretty upset when he showed up on our doorstep."
"Well, Edward was completely honest with me and I guess I have you to thank for that. He said he got an outsiders point of view on our situation and, knowing how close Edward is with his brother, I figured he spoke with you and Emmett. Whatever you said to him really clicked. I feel closer to Edward after our talk." I smiled as I watched Edward chase Lexi around the yard with Ethan and Aiden lodged onto his legs. "So, thank you, Rosalie."
"Please, call me Rose. Bella, I've known Edward since high school and I can tell you that I haven't seen him this happy in years. Even when he was with Tanya...he was never this carefree. He was always cautious, safe, planning everything to a tee, but with you...he throws caution out the window and just goes with the flow. He's finally living his life again."
"Funny, Edward told me something like that on our last date."
"It's good to see him happy again. Obviously you like Edward, but how does he make you feel?"
"Rose, I'm..." I started to say but was interrupted by Alexis running towards me.
"Bella, help!" she yelled. "Daddy gonna get me!"
I picked her up and shielded her from Edward who was approaching quickly now free from the weight of two little boys.
"Don't worry, Lexi. I won't let him get youuuuu," I screeched as a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted us up, swinging us around. Both Alexis and I screamed.
"Now, I've got my girls," he said in a scary voice.
Alexis screamed louder, burying her head in the crook of my neck as I giggled.
"Edward, you're scaring her," I laughed.
"Oh, I'm sorry, baby girl," he said, putting me down. "Daddy was just playing. You know that, right?" he asked, brushing her hair out of her face.
She shook her head, but I could feel the smile on her lips. She was teasing him.
"Lexi," he tried.
Then Alexis popped her head up and growled at Edward, throwing her hands up like claws. I jumped out of surprise, and Edward, along with everyone else, started laughing.
"Look at my scary monster," Edward said, proudly. "Now, go scare your Uncle Emmie."I put Alexis down on her two feet and she ran over to the table with her hands up, growling. Edward slid his arm around my back as we watched his daughter. Emmett had returned to his conversation with Carlisle so he didn't see Alexis sneaking up behind him. She stayed quiet as she approached. Then she jumped to his side with a big growl and hands up in the air. Emmett jumped a bit before laughing and pulling Alexis into his lap for a hug.
"Who knew your daughter was the life of the party?" I smiled.
"Oh, she's like this every Sunday. Everybody gets a kick out of it. Last weekend, she sang for us on this karaoke machine my mom bought her for Christmas. I don't know where it comes from because when she meets people she's really shy, but around us...you can't get her to be quiet or sit still." He placed a soft kiss on my temple.
"She's absolutely adorable. I love spending time with her...and with you," I mentioned, wrapping my arms around his sides.
"Well, that's good to hear because I plan to be around for awhile."
"You're so sure of yourself, Dr.," I teased.
"What can I say? When you look this good..."
"Ugh." I pretended to be disgusted and tried to walk away, but Edward pulled me back to his chest.
"Two words, Bella...Dr. DILF," he whispered in my ear.
His hot breath against my neck sent a shockwave through my body. I felt him smirk as he placed a kiss under my ear.
He knows exactly what to do...that ass.
"Uh, I'm never going to live that down," I groaned.
"No, no you're not, and the moment I see you and Alice together it's going to be so much worse."
"You suck, you know that," I said, teeth gritted.
"Bella, Daddy, come on, food here," Alexis hollered from the table.
We walked over to the table, hand in hand, and took our seats. I sat in between Edward and Esme who was at one end of the table; Carlisle sat at the other end, and across from me sat Emmett with Rosalie next to him. The kids sat at their own table, which was perfect for their height.
Esme prepared a small feast with a variety. There were deviled eggs, sliced up fruit, grapes, a variety of lunch meats and cheeses, pickles, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, bagels, bread, muffins, and potato chips. It all looked so good I didn't know where to begin. Since Edward already cooked me breakfast, I decided to make myself a sandwich.
While we ate, Edward's family proceeded to ask me questions: Where I grew up? What my parents do? Do I have any siblings? Where I went to college? What I majored in? Why I work at the daycare when I have a teaching degree? Basic questions with basic answers.
I helped Esme and Rosalie clear the table, put the food away and do the dishes. We chatted about some of our favorite TV shows and some of the books we were reading. Esme and I learned that we both have a thing for the classics and all three of us have a weakness for Nicholas Sparks.
I thought I was in the clear, no tough questions, but I was wrong. The moment I sat back down Rosalie and Esme started in...
"So, Bella, you never did tell me how you feel about Edward. Now that the boys are inside with the kids, I think it would be a perfect time to discuss it," Rosalie said, taking a sip of her mimosa.
I looked back and forth from Esme to Rosalie. Both of them were staring at me with a small smirk on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.
"Edward is unbelievable. I feel extremely lucky to be with him," I stated.
"Come on, Bella, you have to tell us more than that. You don't have to hide anything from us," Rose coaxed.
I don't know if it was all the mimosas I had to drink or if it was that these two ladies really did make me feel comfortable, but I decided to just tell them the truth.
"The feelings I have for him...I can't even describe because I've never felt this way about someone before. I mean, I'm scared, but when I'm with him...all that fear just goes away. I feel like we go to this whole other world when we're together, no one else exists, but the two of us." I smiled, thinking about the man who was sitting inside.
I looked at Esme and Rosalie. The smirks that were on their faces were now full blown grins.
"What?" I asked, looking back and forth between the two of them.
Esme shook her head.
"Bella, my son is happy because of you, and that's all a mother could ask for. I've been watching you interact with him and with Lexi, you fit in so naturally with them. I'm just glad he met you," she said, taking my hand in hers.
"Thank you, Esme." I smiled, giving her hand a little squeeze.
"I'm glad I was able to talk Emmett into setting him up on that blind date. That seemed to light a fire up his ass," Rose mentioned with a small laugh.
"Wait, it was all a set up? You knew it wouldn't work out between him and that girl?" I asked, shocked.
"I couldn't take it anymore. You were all he could talk about. I told him to ask you out, but he wouldn't. So, I had Emmett set him up with Jessica. I knew they had nothing in common. I just prayed that it would work, and it did."
"Oh my gosh, Rose. He wanted to kill Emmett for that date. He absolutely hated it. He called me to get out of it early."
"You were the babysitter? He never told us that. He went to the bathroom and when he came back he said he had to go because the babysitter got sick. Then, the next day he was all smiles. I figured it was because he called and finally asked you out, but that wasn't the case. What happened, Bella?" Rose asked with a smirk.
"Well, he came home to find Lexi and me asleep. I woke up and he told me about Tanya's death. I comforted him and then we kissed," I said, my cheeks feeling a little warm.
"Then what happened?" she asked.
"Then I left. I mean, he asked me out." I shrugged.
"Well, I'm glad he found the courage. I like you, Bella."
"Thanks, Rose. I like you, too"
"Alright, let's go see what the guys are up to," Esme suggested.
The three of us walked inside to hear Emmett congratulating Edward.
"Yeah, little E, my brother got some action last night. It's about damn time. I knew you could seal the deal. That is how we Cullen men roll," he said, nodding his head like a pimp. "Did you remember to use protection?
I felt my face flush instantly.
Oh My Gosh!. Emmett is talking about Edward and I, about last night, and Edward's dad is sitting right there.
Carlisle and Edward lifted their eyes to us. Carlisle was shaking his head and Edward looked apologetic and scared.
"Emmett Dale Cullen!" Rosalie scolded without moving her mouth.
I looked at her in shock.
How'd she do that? It must be something you learn when you become a mom. I've got to learn that. That will be a useful tool at the daycare. That is scarier than having someone yell out your name in anger.
"Oh, sh..." he started to say turning around to face us as Rosalie yelled ‘Language!'
Edward got to his feet quickly and rushed over to me.
"I didn't say a word, I swear," he whispered as I hid my face in his chest. "Please don't let my brother embarrass you." He rubbed my back trying to make me feel better. "Thanks a lot, Emmett," Edward said, narrowing his eyes at Emmett.
"I'm sorry, Bella," Emmett apologized, standing up from his seat. "I didn't mean for you to hear that."
I heard Rosalie smack him.
"Ouch, Rosie."
"Emmett, I raised you better than that," Esme scolded.
"I know, mom and Bella, I'm truly sorry. I was just messing with Eddie here. I meant it as no disrespect towards you."
I lifted my head from Edward's chest. Emmett was standing next to us looking very apologetic.
"Can you forgive me?"
"I don't know, Emmett. That wasn't cool and we just met. You're really not making a great impression."
"I'm really, really sorry, Bella. I can't have my bro's girl hating on me."
I sighed. I really can't stay mad at people.
"Fine, Emmett, but just this once," I said, holding up my finger.
"I knew I liked you," he said, pulling me out of Edward's arms and into his for a bone-crushing hug.
"Can't...breathe...Emmett," I choked.
"Oh, sorry," he said, letting go.
"Edward, why don't you show Bella the rest of the house?" Carlisle suggested. "Maybe show her your piano."
"Come on, Bella, I want to play for you." Edward grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs.
On the second floor, he pointed out the master bedroom and his and Emmett's old bedrooms. On the third floor, there was another room, which Edward led me into. There was a black leather sofa on one wall, bookshelves of records and CDs, an entertainment center on another wall, and in the corner was a black baby grand piano. I followed him to the bench and sat next to him. He lifted the cover and ran his fingertips over the ivory keys. He sighed when the music hit his ears.
"Is there anything that you want to hear?" he asked.
"No," I shook my head. "I just want to hear you play, nothing in particular."Edward started to play softly. I watched his fingers rise and fall against the keys, his head sway with the music. His fingers picked up speed, the music got louder and I was memorized. I felt the goosebumps form along my arms. Edward was beautiful, angelic and sexy all at the same time. I smiled at how focus his face looked. He glanced over and smiled back at me. The song came to a close with the same soft notes as the beginning.
He left his fingers on the keys and looked over at me, giving me that crooked grin of his.
"Again, is there anything you're not good at?" I asked with a smile.
"Well, I guess you'll have to stick around to find out."
"Oh, I'm willing to stick around, Dr." I bit my bottom lip and winked.
He brought his left hand to my face and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. He licked his lips as he lowered his head. I closed my eyes just as our lips touched. They stayed pressed together for a couple of seconds. Edward parted his lips and they began to move with mine. He twisted his body slightly bringing his right hand behind my neck, holding our faces together.
I didn't know how long we were sitting there kissing, since time seemed to not exist when we were together like this, but we were both pulled back into the real world when we heard a blood curdling cry from downstairs. I swore my heart stopped when I heard that scream. Edward and I both ran down the stairs.
The first thing we saw was Emmett yelling at Ethan and Aiden in the corner. They both had tears in their eyes, their heads hung low. We ran into the kitchen, Esme was bouncing a screaming and crying Alexis in her arms, trying to calm her down and Rosalie was in the freezer pulling out ice. Carlisle was walking in with his medical bag.
"What's wrong?" Edward asked, worried.
"Daddy!" she cried, lifting her head and reaching for him. "Owie, owie!"
Alexis had a bleeding gash just above her eyebrow; the blood was streaming down her face. Edward took her and sat her on the counter so he could look at the cut; Carlisle came up beside him to help.
Oh, gosh, blood.
I grabbed onto the counter and held my breath.
"How did this happen?" Edward asked, angry.
"They were playing in the playroom, they started arguing. Emmett got up to separate them, then we heard Lexi scream. Emmett found her near the table on the floor screaming in pain, the boys looking at her," Esme explained. "They said they pushed her and she tripped over a toy, slamming her forehead into the table."
"Bella, are you okay? You look kind of green," Rosalie commented.
"Rose, can you take Bella outside? She gets nauseous at the sight of blood."
"Sure, Edward. Come on, Bella." Rosalie wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling one of my arms around her shoulder and led me outside. "Have a seat. Put your head between your legs."
"Thanks, Rose." I did as she said.
"You're dating a doctor; you're around clumsy kids all the time, and you get sick at the sight of blood. Nice."
"I know, right?"
We sat out there for ten minutes waiting to get the all clear. Carlisle came to check on us.
"Carlisle, how is Lexi?" I asked the minute he walked out the door.
"She's going to be fine. The cut isn't deep enough for stitches. Edward will just have to watch her closely tonight. She hit the table pretty hard. How are you feeling, Bella?" he asked, taking a seat next to me.
"I'm better, thank you. How's Edward?"
"He's still trying to calm Lexi and himself down. Lexi's gotten scrapes and bruises before, but nothing like this. It really scared him."
"This is just awful."
"The blood is all cleaned up if you want to go back inside and see them," Carlisle mentioned.
"Thank you, Carlisle."
I stood up a little too quickly and had to grab onto the table to steady myself.
"Whoa, whoa. Are you sure you're okay?" Carlisle asked, standing up and grabbing onto my shoulders.
"Yeah, I just stood up too quickly."
I slowly made my way inside. Edward was sitting on the couch, Alexis cradled in his arms. She was still hiccoughing. He gave a small smile when he noticed me. I sat down next to him.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, kissing my temple.
"I'm fine, better than this one."
"She'll be okay."
"I got owie, Bella," Alexis said with a pout.
"Aw, I see sweetie. Does it hurt?"
She nodded her head, sniffling.
"I'm sorry. Daddy make it feel better?"
"A little. You kiss it?"
"You want me to kiss your owie?" I asked.
She nodded.
I leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on the bandage part of her forehead.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
I rested my head against Edward's shoulder. He lifted his arm, wrapping it around my shoulder and pulled me closer.
"Are you ready to go, beautiful?"
"Whenever you're ready."
"Alright, let's go." He kissed the top of my head then stood up with Alexis. "Mom, I think we're going to go."
"Oh, I don't want you to go yet," Esme said, walking towards us. "I haven't had a chance to show Bella any of your baby pictures."
"She'll be coming back, mom. Unless you all scared her away," he commented.
"No, we would never, but then again your brother did embarrass her," she smiled. "Bella, thank you for coming. I hope to see you again," she said, giving me a hug.
"Yes, I would love to come back. Thank you, Esme," I giggled.
"Take care, Edward." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye baby girl, feel better."
"Bye nana." Lexi leaned forward and gave Esme a kiss. "Bye papa!" she yelled.
"Bye, honey," Carlisle said, coming up behind Esme. He gave Alexis a kiss on the cheek. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Bella."
"You, too, Carlisle."
We said good-bye to Emmett, Rosalie and the boys. Both Ethan and Aiden apologized to Alexis before we left as did Emmett. Rosalie and I set up a lunch date for later in the week.
Edward drove me home. We both had work in the morning and we both thought it was too early for sleepovers with Alexis in the house.
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