"Seepover, seepover, seepover," Alexis chanted from the back seat of my car.
"Yes, we're having a sleepover, but you have to ask your daddy if you can sleep in the bed with us. I'm not making that decision," I told her as I parked the car and turned the ignition off.
Tonight, I was spending the night at Edward's. It was the first time I would be spending the night at his place; another step in our relationship. I just couldn't believe it'd only been about three months that we'd been dating. I felt like I'd known Edward for years, we're so comfortable with each other.
"Why?" she asked.
"Because your daddy is the boss and I don't want to say yes if he's going to say no," I said.
"Come on, Bella, he won know," she coaxed.
"Oh, he'll know when you come into the bed and you tattle on me," I said, getting out of the car.
I watched Alexis unbuckle herself from her car seat and I opened the door for her to get out.
"I won tell," she said, batting her eyelashes at me.
"You say that now, but I've seen how easily you rat me out to him. Remember that day when Alice and I bought you ice cream before dinner?" I asked, taking her hand and walking towards the hospital. "We cleaned you up and everything, there was no proof of ice cream on you and even told you what to say if he asked, but what happened when your dad asked if you had ice cream?"
She looked up at me all sad. She knew what she did.
"I tol daddy you and Al baught ice ceam," she said with a little pout.
"Yes, you did and you got Alice and me in trouble."
Edward had glared at us and then proceeded to give us the disappointed speech. Alexis felt really bad afterward, which made me feel awful. Not only did he scold me and Alice for not being the adults in the situation, but he also scolded Alexis for going against him. I knew Edward had said no ice cream, but I just couldn't resist the blue, puppy dog eyes she gave me. I was going to jump in, but then I had to remind myself that she wasn't my daughter. Edward was the parent and I had to let him make the rules and discipline her how he saw fit, even if I didn't always agree with it.
"I no mean to," she said sadly.
"I know you didn't, sweetie," I said, picking her up. "Your daddy has just taught you not to lie."
She looked at me, kissed me on the lips and hugged me tight.

I looked around the waiting area and there were two people sitting there. It was late; after seven o'clock on a Friday night. I approached the desk, lifting Alexis up higher on my hip.
"Ugh, sign her name and what you're here for," the blonde said without looking at me.
"We're actually here to pick someone up," I told her.
"Well, take a look around. Do you see the person you're looking for?" she asked, copping an attitude.
"They're not a patient. We're here to pick up Dr. Cullen."
"And you are?" a brunette asked, eyeing me.
"Daddy!" Alexis yelled, wiggling to get down.
I put her down on her feet and watched her run to Edward, who was walking down the hall.
"Hey, baby girl," he said, kneeling down to scoop her up in his arms. "How are you?" he asked, pecking her little lips.
"Daddy, can I seep wit you an Bella?" she asked, ignoring his question.
Edward looked at her, his eyes wide, and then looked at me and cocked his eyebrow. I put my hand on my forehead and rubbed it as they made their way to me. I wasn't expecting her to ask him right away. That child had a one track mind.
"Hi," he greeted, placing a chaste kiss on my lips and then giving me a questioning eye. "Did you tell her to ask me that?"
"So, can I?" Alexis interrupted.
"How about we talk about it in the car?" he suggested, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.
"Yaye!" she exclaimed.
"Good night, Dr. Cullen," the nurses said in unison.
Edward looked over his shoulder and said a simple ‘good bye.'
"Why are you excited? That doesn't mean yes," he told her.
"Yeah, it do. It wat nana an papa an Uncle Emmie say bufor I get sumthin."
I laughed at her reasoning and because she just ratted them all out. Edward hated when his parents and brother gave into Alexis so easily stating that it was hard for him to set up ground rules when they went behind his back and gave her whatever she wanted. I tried to explain to him that it's because she's the only girl and she had that Cullen pout down pact.
"Well, I'll just have to talk to those three about that because this time the answer is no."
"But?" she objected, sticking her lip out and giving Edward the puppy dog eyes.
I looked at her and she already had a pool of tears forming in her lids.
"No buts, young lady."
"Daddy!" she cried.
"Alexis Grace."
Edward gave her the eye and she hushed her cries, but held her arms out to me. I looked at him and he passed her over, letting go of my hand. Alexis placed her head on my shoulder and cried softly.
"Edward," I said, looping my arm through his and grabbed onto his bicep. "You know I can't be the one to make those decisions. It's not my house and," I paused, not wanting to say the next part. "She's not my daughter and I don't want to over step my boundaries. Please don't be mad at me because she asked."
"I'm not mad at you, Bella," he said, opening the car doors for Alexis and I. "Once again, she gets upset because I tell her no. I really wish my parents and brother would tell her no every once in awhile. She acts like she's never heard it before."
Alexis climbed into her seat and buckled herself in. I shut the door after her handing the keys to Edward.
"Well, if it's any conciliation, Rose tells her no," I shrugged, caressing his arm.
"That's because Rose doesn't cave with her own boys."
I gave him a weak smile and stood on my tip toes to kiss his pouty lips gently, and then got into the car and he followed. We drove to his house and we talked quietly about tomorrow, which was Alexis' birthday party. Alexis sat in the back, sulking.
Since it was already late, Edward cooked hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner. Afterward, Edward did the dishes while I got Alexis ready for bed, which included a bath and a bedtime story. She asked, again, if she could sleep with us and I told her she couldn't. I told her Edward and I needed our alone time and she understood.
Edward really didn't give her enough credit; Alexis is a smart girl. She understood the g-rated version of what's going on, telling the kids at the center that Edward and I were going to get married.
When I made my way downstairs, Edward was still cleaning up. I took a seat on the kitchen counter, curving my hands around the edge as my eyes followed his every move.
"Did you get her to sleep okay?" he asked, shutting the fridge.
"She's out like a light, though she did ask if she could sleep in your bed again," I mentioned.
"What did you tell her?" he inquired, placing his hands on my knees and moving them apart so he could stand between my legs.
"I told her that we needed our alone time," I replied, running my hands up and down his arms.
"She understood that?" he asked, surprised.
"Edward, she knows that we're dating," I explained, sliding my arms around his neck and locking my hands. "She may not say it that way, but she does tell people that I come over and that we kiss. You'd have to be dense to not get what that means."
"I know. My baby girl is growing up. I mean she's turning four on Monday, and I'm not ready for that," he said softly, running his hands over my denim covered thighs.
"I think you should try to get used to it because it's only going to get worse from here on out."
"Thank you, Bella, for helping me with Lexi," he mumbled, nuzzling his face in my neck and kissing the skin below my ear. "Thank you for letting me drive your car around while mine is in the shop," he continued with another kiss in the same spot. "And thank you for spending the night with me," he whispered in my ear. "This night has been long overdue."
Edward licked the shell of my ear and tugged on the lobe.
"Hm," I hummed. "Is two weeks too long for you?" I smiled, tilting my head to give him better access.
"Yes, way too long," he muttered, sucking and licking the skin on my neck.
I pressed my lips together and moaned. The room suddenly got really warm and I felt my skin flush as Edward continued to make his mark on my body. He grabbed my ass and pulled my body closer to his, my hands snaking their way into his hair. I tugged at his locks, making him look at me. I no longer wanted to feel his lips on my neck; I wanted to feel the smooth pair on my own. I crashed mine to his, sucking on his top lip and felt his tongue trace my lower one and slip in. We were devouring each other and not in a pretty way, but we were both in need of each other.
It had been two weeks since we'd been together. Two weeks of kissing, of little touches and wanting more, but never being able to continue because of work, friends or family obligations. Tonight was the night that we were finally going to get our release.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and wiggled against his erection, which was getting harder by the minute. I could feel my panties get wet with each kiss and the heat build. He groaned and wrapped his arms around my back, lifting me off the counter. We broke the kiss once he hit the stairs and I peppered kisses on his chin, along his jaw and down his neck. I licked and pulled on his ear earning a growl.
I giggled when we made it up the stairs and he slammed me against the wall.
"Shh," I whispered with a snort. "You'll wake Lexi."
He bucked his hips up and I moaned feeling his erection strain against his shorts.
"Bedroom, now," I ordered.
His grip tightened around me as he pulled away from the wall. He took us into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.

"It seems like I'm not the only one who thinks two weeks is too long," he smirked.
He tugged my shirt off and made quick action of licking and nipping at my cleavage. His thumb slipped under the fabric, brushing back and forth and making me squirm under his gentle touch. I arched my back into his chest and Edward slid his hand that was on my hip behind my back holding me against his body. The other left my breast to unhook my bra with one try. He pulled away long enough to slide the straps down my arms and threw the useless piece of clothing (his words, not mine) onto the floor.
He knelt back and stared at my chest again.
"Perfection," he commented with that sexy smirk that can piss me off and turn me on simultaneously.
I sat up, grabbing onto his face and pulling it towards mine. I slid my tongue in his mouth and let it explore. I licked the sides of his mouth, the back of his teeth and tangoed with his tongue. His one hand caressed and pinched one of my breasts while the other held my hips down as he grinded into my core.
I moaned, wanting the pieces of clothing below the waist off. Edward kissed his way down my body from my chin, down my throat, paying special attention to the hollow at the bottom then to the valley between my breasts. He paused to lick, suck and gently bite the nipple that wasn't receiving attention. Then he switched making sure each received the right amount of attention. My fingers knotted themselves in his silky locks. I hummed in contentment.
His free hand ran up and down my side sending electric shockwaves through my body. He licked a path from my jeans to my breasts then placed hot, open mouth kisses back down. His hands went to the button on my jeans and he quickly undid them, lowering the zipper and pulling them off in one quick motion.
"God, Bella, I can smell how wet you are," he said, his hands sliding up my legs.
His hands went to my core and he toyed with me, running two fingers up and down then pressing his thumb against my covered clit.
"Edward," I whimpered at his touch, wanting more.
He slid the fabric aside and slipped two fingers inside, again running them up and down those lips.
"Please, Edward," I begged, looking at him with hooded eyes.
He slid one finger in, moving it in and out slowly. I bit my bottom lip and asked for more. He complied, slipping in another finger.

Oh fuck me, I thought as I slammed my head back against the bed, arching my back.

I could feel the tension in my stomach tighten with each movement and added pressure against my clit. Edward looked up at me and I could see the lust and desire sparkling in his eyes. His tongue slipped in and out, he'd move it in wave like motions making my body writhe. At one point, the feelings became too much and my legs tightened around his head. He chuckled sending vibrations coursing through my body, making my toes curl.
"Edward," I mewled.
His hands pushed my thighs apart so he could continue working his magic. I gripped the comforter trying to regain control over the sensations that were shooting up and down my body. His hands snuck under my ass and he pulled my body closer to his face.
His tongue slipped in deeper with this new closeness, and his nose pressed against my clit. I could feel my undoing getting closer. I grabbed and squeezed my breasts, moaning as I stared at the top of Edward's head. My hands slid down my abdomen, down to his hair. My fingers tugged at his locks and he growled.
"Mmm, Edward," I moaned, my body writhing.
I could tell Edward knew I was coming soon. He brought one hand out and pressed two fingers inside as his wonderful mouth sucked and his teeth gently bit my clit.
I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the pillow, placed it over my face and screamed. My walls clenched around his fingers, my release pulsating throughout my entire body. He pulled his fingers out and slid them in his mouth.
Each orgasm with Edward got better and better. Each time, he found some new way to tease me and make me feel good. Riding out the waves that were flowing through my body, I threw the pillow off my face. I bit my bottom lip, eyeing Edward with desire and appreciation.
I love it when this man makes me come with those long fingers and that tongue of his.
"I love when you come for me, beautiful." He smiled, lifting his head from between my legs and licking his lips.
I sat up, fisting his shirt and pulling him down on top of me. I kissed his mouth like it was the last kiss I was going to get from him. It was wet, forceful and rushed, but I didn't care. I wanted to taste every part of his mouth, my tongue wrestling with his.
My hands wandered down his torso and rested on his hip, pulling him closer to my naked body. I felt his full erection, straining to get free. Edward groaned as he bucked his hips against my heated core. My hands slinked under his shirt and my nails grazed his toned abdomen. He hissed into my mouth. I pulled his shirt up and over his head, throwing it off to the side. I pushed against his chest making him sit back as I raised my upper body. I then pushed him down against the pillows and he made himself comfortable. I straddled his waist, giving him my sexy smirk as his hands ran up and down the sides of my upper torso, his thumbs skimming the sides of my breasts.
I placed a chaste kiss on his lips before making my way down his now exposed chest. It was my second favorite part of his body.
One guess as to what my favorite is.
I licked around his pecs and sucked on his nipples. One of my hands went behind my back and cupped Edward's cock through the fabric.
"God, Bella, you're killing me," he groaned.
"Good." I smiled, evilly.
I slid my body down his hips so I was now straddling his legs. I slowly unbuttoned his shorts and lowered the zipper. Pulling his pants down, I left his boxer briefs on. I breathed hot air on his cock making him squirm. I pulled on the elastic band, sticking one hand in and pulling his magnificent length out of its confines. He hissed when he felt the cool air hit.
I stroked it, up and down then leaned down and placed a kiss on the head.
"Bella, I need to feel you around me. I want to be inside you. No more playing," he said, through ragged breaths. "I just want you to ride me, beautiful."
"Fuck, Edward, how can I resist when you talk to me like that?"
I made quick movement to rid him of his underwear. I grabbed his cock, giving it a little squeeze and licked it from the base to the head of his shaft.
"Fuck, Bella."
I giggled.
I love making this man squirm.
I released his cock and crawled up his body. I straddled his hips, rocking over him, letting my warm juices tease him. His hands grabbed a hold of my hips and held them still.
"No more playing," he scolded.
"Okay, Dr.," I grinned.
I lifted myself up and Edward positioned himself at my entrance. I slowly lowered myself onto him staring at Edward as he gradually filled me. I could see that he wanted to just buck his hips up and already fully be inside of me, but he restrained. The moment he was completely inside, my eyes closed and I hummed as my body started to feel whole.
Edward's hands grabbed onto my sides and I rocked my hips as my body adjusted to his size. When I felt comfortable, I began to move slowly. Edward kept his hips on the bed, letting me set my own pace. I heard his subtle growls and groans as I picked up my pace.
"God, Bella, you feel so good around me. Can't get enough of you," he breathed.
His hands slid from my sides up to my breasts and pinched my nipples making me hiss with delight. I grabbed his hands, intertwined our fingers and held them in front of us. I leaned my body forward to taste his delectable lips. Edward started lifting his hips off the bed, gently thrusting himself inside of me. I whimpered into his mouth.
There is nothing like the feelings that run through your body and your heart when you are intimate with someone in this manner.
I pulled away from his swollen lips and placed his hands on my hips. My hands traveled all over his chest, digging my nails into his skin whenever he hit the right spot. Both of our bodies glistening with sweat.
"Oh, God, Edward, this feels so good," I mewled.
"I know, Bella," he grunted.
I picked up the pace when my muscles started to tighten in the pit of my stomach. Edward met each one of my motions. I mewled some more as I grinded my hips against his cock.
"I'm getting close, Edward," I told him.
"Me, too, beautiful," he said with haggard breaths.
He grabbed one of my hands and brought it down to my clit. Our fingers together pinched and pressed it making my undoing come closer and closer. I arched my back and tilted my head back, my hair sweeping against the top of his thighs.
"Shit, Bella."
With a little more pinching and a couple more bucks, my muscles clenched around Edward, and I bit my bottom lip as hard as I could, whimpering as my orgasm exploded. Edward sat up and covered my mouth with his allowing me to scream out without too much noise. My arms wrapped around his back and I dug my nails into his muscles. He continued to pump inside of me until his body stilled and I felt him come.
We held onto each other tightly, kissing with passion, as we rode out our orgasm together. He lay back pulling me down with him and rolled us over onto our sides. My legs tangled in between his as we continued to kiss passionately.
Every moment that I spent with him, my feelings grew stronger and stronger. I was quickly falling for Edward and it kind of scared me at how fast these emotions were hitting me. I thought the feelings I felt for him those first six months were tough to figure out, but those were nothing in comparison. My heart hurt whenever he was away from me and my body gravitated to his whenever we were together. All of those new emotions I was feeling, I put them into the kisses. I'd never been in love so I didn't know what it felt like, but if it was anything like the way I felt now; then I had no problem shouting it off the roof top.
I pulled away first, placing another gentle kiss on his now reddish ones before resting my forehead against his.
"We need to make love more often. No more going two weeks. However, the release that comes from being pent up so long is quite unbelievable." I smirked.
"Well, at least I know you're not cheating on me with a toy when you come like that," he teased.
"No, no toy." I shook my head, smiling. "How could I ever go back to toys after experiencing you?" I replied, squeezing his length which was still inside of me.
"Bella," he growled. "If you want to get any sleep tonight, I suggest you not do that."
"I promise, I'll behave, Dr." I smiled.
"Have I told you how much I enjoy hearing you call me Dr. when you're playful like this?"
"Mm, it never hurts to say it again," I shrugged.
"I'm going to shower real quick. Do you want to join me?" he asked, pulling out.
"Yes," I said, rolling off the side of the bed.

I was sleeping peacefully on my back, my face nuzzled in the crook of Edward's neck, one of his arms lying over my stomach, holding me tight, when I felt an extra thirty-five pounds on top of my legs.
"Bella," she whispered.
"Hmm," I hummed.
"Wake uuuuup," she sang.
"It's too early, Lexi. Go back to sleep," I mumbled.
"I not tired," she whined.
"Lexi, go lay next to Bella and close your eyes," Edward ordered.
I held my arm out, motioning for her to come lay next to me. Alexis rolled and cuddled into my side, and I was surprised she did as she was told so easily.
I don't know how many more hours we were able to sleep, but I was woken up by an annoying ring coming from the night stand.
"Turn it off," I groaned, turning my body away from the noise.
"Hello," Edward answered, groggily. "Hi, mom...yes, you woke me up...I was up late...nothing, mom...the birthday girl will be arriving fashionably late on Bella and Rose's orders," he mumbled. "Yeah...alright...love you, too...bye."
I heard him put the phone down. He then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my body closer to him.
"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured against my hair.
I felt him take a deep breath then sigh as he let the air out.
"My shampoo smells so good on you," he complimented.
I giggled, ruining all chances at pretending to be asleep.
"Hi," I whispered. "And I thought she said she wasn't tired." I smiled looking at Alexis, who was out cold against my side.
Edward lifted his head and smiled.
"I'm surprised that worked. I didn't think she'd go back to sleep. I may need you to spend the night more often," he mentioned, kissing my ear.
"Hmm," I hummed. "I think that could be arranged a couple nights a week."
I turned my head towards his and kissed him gently. Edward deepened it and pressed his morning wood against my back side. We moaned into each others' mouths when I wiggled my ass against him.
"Don't start something you can't finish," he mumbled against my lips.
"Mm, it's up to you to decided whether or not we finish tonight, because Lord knows we can't finish with a four-year-old in the bed with us," I breathed.
"Just a little insight into how life will be when we have kids," he said, nonchalantly.
Sexy boyfriend say what?
"Are you ready for some breakfast? We can leave her here, she'll wake up eventually," he mentioned, like he just didn't say anything out of the norm.
"Um, yeah, do you mind if I cook?" I asked, pushing his comment to the back of my mind.
"Sure thing, beautiful."
We walked downstairs; Edward touching and teasing the whole way to the kitchen. Once there, we cooked French toast together.
Alexis came down the stairs, rubbing her eyes thirty minutes later. She squealed when we told her happy birthday and placed the plate of French toast and syrup in front of her. We quickly ate and then Edward cleaned up downstairs while I took Alexis upstairs to bathe and get dressed.
I let her pick out her outfit; she chose a plaid skort, a red tee that read perfectly sweet and matching plaid flip flops. It was the outfit that I bought her on our last shopping trip with Alice. She also packed her watermelon bathing suit and a towel for later.
Alexis sat on Edward's bed watching her show as Edward and I showered quickly. We weren't in there for long since we'd taken one only a few hours earlier; only showering at all to get the syrup and cooking ingredients off of us. We dressed then headed downstairs with Alexis to get everything to leave.
Edward carried his daughter and our bags outside and I followed behind them, locking up the house as he helped Alexis get into the car.
It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day to have a birthday party with an inflatable water slide and moon bounce. The warm weather was not convenient for these men working on everyone's lawns.
I smiled, thinking about the fun we'd be having today as I made my way to the passenger side door. Just as I opened it, I heard someone call my name ‘Isabella?'
I froze; I knew that deep voice. I used to hear it in my nightmares. I really didn't need to see the face to confirm my hunch, but to make sure I wasn't just hearing things, I looked. There, standing in a green shirt that read TruGreen on the upper left hand corner, khaki pants, and a matching green baseball cap was my ex-boyfriend. He had a smirk on his face and his eyes gazed over my body.
My heart was beating so rapidly that I could feel the beats reverberating in my ears. I couldn't catch my breath, I felt like I was gasping for air as I stared at his face. Feeling uncomfortable with his eyes on me, I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Bella! Bella!" Edward yelling my name pulled me out of my minor panic attack.
I turned around to him. I could see the look of worry on his face as he leaned over the center console with his hand outstretched, waiting for me to take it. I placed my shaky hand in his and slid into the seat, shutting the door behind me but not before hearing ‘Goodbye, Isabella'. I pulled my seat belt on and looked over at him.
"Are you okay? Your hand is shaking and you look like you just saw a ghost," he commented, cupping the side of my face with his free hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, offering a weak smile.
"Are you sure?" he asked, again.
"Yeah, let's get Lexi to her party," I reassured him with a weak smile.
Edward let go of my face and backed the car out. I turned around to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. He was still standing there, smirking, adding a small wave and a wink. I turned back around, trying to calm my breathing. I could feel the bile in the back of my throat wanting to come up, and I covered my mouth out of instinct.
Alexis talked the whole way to the Cullen's house, which I didn't mind. She helped keep my thoughts away from the man standing outside Edward's house, working on his lawn.
As soon as Edward put the car into park behind Carlisle's black Mercedes, Alexis swiftly unbuckled herself from her car seat and jumped out of the car. I pulled the handle on the door and stepped out, not waiting for Edward to open it for me. He quickly made his way around the front of the car and stood in front of me, his hands going to the sides of my face and holding it so that I was looking into his eyes.
"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" he asked. "You wouldn't keep anything from me?"
As always, whenever I was nervous and stressed, I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. I didn't want to tell Edward about seeing my ex. I didn't know what to make of it. I wanted to wait until I had time to process everything, time to talk to Charlie about it; but having him look into my eyes with nothing but concern changed my mind.
"Edward, I'm not sure if I'm okay. I just saw someone I thought I'd never see again," I confessed, gripping his wrists.
"Who did you see and where? At my house?" he asked, furrowing his brows.
I nodded my head. "One of the guys working on your lawn, well he's...it was James," I said, honestly.
I watched Edward's eyes go wide, filling with anger and his jaw clenched. He didn't have a chance to say anything else because he was interrupted by an annoying horn honking incessantly as a silver Audi pulled into the driveway next to us.
I closed my eyes, shaking my head as I dropped my hands. I turned my attention to the occupants of the car and Alice popped out of the passenger side.
"Looky what we have here, Jazz. Two horny lovebirds." Alice smirked. "Hello, my friend," she said, wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Hey, Alice," I greeted, reciprocating her hug and turned to repeat the gesture to Jasper. "Hi Jasper."
"Edward." Alice smirked, poking him in the chest then giving him a tight squeeze.
"Hello, little pixie." He smiled weakly as he gave her a small squeeze then let her go. "How's it going, J?" Edward asked, shaking his hand.
Over the last month, Alice, Jasper, Edward and I had gone on a couple of double dates during the week. The dates had gone so well that Edward and Jasper had started to hang out. The past couple of Saturdays, they'd gone to workout, play basketball, and a guys' day...whatever that entails. They have a little bromance blooming, while Alexis spends the day with Alice and me. We'd take her shopping and Alice would go a little overboard in Gymboree.
"Good. What are you two doing out here and where's the birthday girl?" he asked.
Jasper adored Alexis and, like everyone else, she had him wrapped around her little finger.
"We just got here actually and she's most likely out back by now, jumping in the moon bounce," Edward replied.
"You two better get in here before Esme drags you inside," Rose hollered from the front door.
The four of us made our way up the driveway and inside, greeting Rose as we passed by. Edward slid his hand along my lower back and rested it on the side of my hip, giving it a small squeeze.
"I promise, we'll talk about this later. Right now, let's just enjoy your daughter's party," I whispered.
"I'll try, Bella," he said, bringing his head down to kiss my lips gently. "I'm not happy about this confession of yours."
"I know, which is why I didn't tell you earlier. I didn't want to tell you before the party knowing that we couldn't talk about it."
Edward pressed his lips together and shook his head. He was frowning. I made him frown and there was nothing I could do at this time to take it away. I wanted nothing more than to talk to him, but I couldn't. We were at a party; a party for his daughter. We both had to put on smiling faces and get through the day.
Esme greeted us with hugs and kisses. After introducing her to Alice and Jasper, she ushered us outside to mingle with the other parents.
After playing pretend for a few hours, Alice looped her arm through mine. "Excuse me, boys, but I'm going to steal my best friend for a little bit."
Alice led me inside and poured us both a glass of wine.
"Okay, spill," she ordered. "Did last night not go that well?"
"No, last night was great. In fact, I think spending the night at his house will become somewhat part of the routine. Um, " I paused, taking a big gulp of wine before continuing, "The issue didn't come up until this morning," I told her.
"What? Did you try to get rid of his morning wood and get interrupted?" Alice asked, with a mischievous smirk, taking a sip of her wine.
"No," I said, rolling my eyes. "Ali, you'll never believe who I saw."
"Who, B?" she asked, her smirk instantly leaving her face when she saw my worried look.
"James," I whispered.
"What?!" she exclaimed, spilling some of her wine as she flew her hands in the air. "Where?"
"Will you be quiet, Ali?! Gosh," I shushed her.
"Oh my God, does Edward know?"
"Yeah, I told him when we were standing in the driveway right before you pulled up," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.
"And Jasper and I interrupted you two. I'm sorry, B," she apologized, pulling my arm and grabbing my hand.
"If it wasn't you, it would've been Rose." I shrugged.
"Okay, so where did you see him?" she asked.
"He works for the lawn company in Edward's neighborhood. He was trimming Edward's bushes this morning when we were leaving," I explained.
"Did he see you?"
"He called my name, that's how I saw him."
"Did he say anything else?"
I shook my head. "Not really. Ali, aren't they supposed to notify you if someone you put a restraining order on gets out of jail?"
"You'd think so, but I don't know. What are you going to do, B?"
"I don't know, Ali. I was so scared seeing him standing in front of me, but now I realize that it was a stupid reaction. He can't hurt me anymore. I'm more worried about Edward. When I told him about James and me, he said he wanted to hurt him and I don't want that to happen. I don't want to have to bail my boyfriend out of jail for assault," I said, expressing my concern.
"Bella, I don't see Edward doing that," she assured me, squeezing my hand.
"I hope not."
"Bella, Ali, come play," Alexis said, running into the kitchen with her bathing suit on, all wet.
She grabbed our hands and led us outside to the moon bounce. We both took off our shoes and jumped in with the other kids. Jumping and playing with them made Alice and I feel like little kids again. It was a great feeling to have the wind blowing in your face, your hair flying in the air with each jump; especially after the morning I'd had. It was nice to get distracted for the moment.
We even showed off for the kids, with Alice starting by doing a front flip and I followed. I was elated when I landed it because Lord knows I'd never be able to do that on solid ground. She did a cartwheel as I did a back flip with my hands. Showing off made all the kids want to try, so we first taught them to do handstands. We had to hold their legs since it was too bouncy for them to stay up on their own.
"Edward!" all the kids yelled in unison when he entered the air filled contraption with Jasper.
"You two look like you're having fun," he commented with his signature crooked smile.
"We are. What have you two been up to?" I asked, helping Alexis do a headstand.
Unfortunately, Alexis twisted her body and both she and I toppled over on Edward. All three of us started laughing as we tried to get untangled. Edward held on to me as Alexis stood up and started jumping near us.
"I'm sorry," he apologized.
"For what?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
"For over-reacting earlier. I didn't bother to think about your feelings and thoughts. I immediately wanted to protect you but I don't know if you even need or want me to protect you. I don't like having tension between us."
"I don't either. To be honest, I don't know what to make of this development, Edward. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all, but I'm not scared. I was at first, but after thinking about it and talking to Ali, I realized that he had power over my life for a couple of months and I won't let him have that again," I said softly but in a determined voice.
"Alright kids, time for cake and presents!" Esme announced.
All the kids screamed and made their way out of the netted entrance. Alice and Jasper helped to make sure none of them fell out. I stood up to make my way out, but Edward grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me down on top of him.
"Umph," we both said in unison.
Edward tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before lifting his head, inching closer and closer to my face. I licked my lips in anticipation. He pressed his lips to mine, opening his mouth and closing it around my bottom lip, sucking it gently. My hands slid up his chest and held his face close to mine and he kissed me once more.
"You amaze me, Bella," he complimented.
I smiled. "Thanks, Edward. We better get going before they send Emmett to come find us."
We got up and made our way over to the rest of the group who were gathered around a table full of presents, plates, napkins, and forks. Emmett noticed our approach and wiggled his eyebrows at us. Both Edward and I rolled our eyes and shook our heads. We went and stood by Alexis who grabbed onto my hand and gave me a smile full of teeth.
Esme walked out of the house carrying a big rectangle cake with white icing and Dora the Explorer and her trusty pal Boots on top, plus four burning candles.
"Happy Birthday to you...." Edward and I started to sing as everyone joined in.
"Okay, Lexi, make a wish and blow out the candles," Esme told her, placing the cake in front of her grand-daughter.
Alexis looked up at her dad and then at me. She closed her eyes for a couple of minutes before blowing out the candles. Everyone clapped for her.
"What did you wish for?" Alice asked, smirking.
"Alice, she's not supposed to tell otherwise it won't come true," Rose scolded, as she winked at me.
A couple hours later the party wound down, leaving just the Cullen family, Alice, Jasper and I. Carlisle had taken a liking to Jasper, talking about Civil War era history. I didn't know Carlisle was such a history buff, but I should've known since Edward was one, too. Edward and Emmett were playing Rock Band with Ethan and Aiden in the toy room while we ladies sat on the sofa looking over photo albums.
Esme started it, bringing out Edward's first. The minute I opened the cover, I awed at the first couple of pictures. Baby Edward was a fat one. He had those chubby cheeks that you want to pinch and the rollie thighs that you want to squeeze. Esme told us that Emmett used to blow on Edward's stomach so it would make a fart sound and of Edward having a growth spurt when he was three, losing all his baby fat. One thing stayed the same, though...his emerald green eyes and his disheveled hair; even when it was shorter, it wouldn't cooperate.
Esme also pulled out Alexis' baby book, full of pictures that Edward sent her throughout the years before moving back to Seattle. She enjoyed looking at herself so small and fragile. She didn't believe it was her until she saw Edward cradling her in his arms. I also enjoyed looking at them. Alexis was one of the most beautiful babies I'd ever seen. I'd say the most, but after seeing Edward, Emmett, and the boys' baby pictures, I couldn't pick a favorite. They all were in the running. Again, this family had some amazing genes. Rose mentioned that she had wanted the boys to model, but Emmett wouldn't have it.
After a couple more hours of looking at baby books, playing board games, and eating barbecue that Carlisle cooked, we said our good-byes and headed back to Edward's house. Alexis fell asleep on the way.
Edward and I didn't further discuss the James issue, but I knew it wasn't a moot point.
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