"Alice, what about this one?" I asked as I stepped out of my closet for the tenth time this evening.
It was almost 7:30-the time Edward said he would pick me up-and I still wasn't dressed. Every dress that I had tried on didn't look right. It was either too casual, too dressy, too long, way too short, or didn't show enough cleavage. Alice and I couldn't decide on one; it was very frustrating. "Why can't I just wear jeans, Alice?" I asked her again since she still hadn't responded.
"Because the doctor sees you in jeans...every...day," she started to say as a smile crept on her face. "That's the dress, this is the one. It's perfect!" She moved her finger around gesturing for me to twirl. "Put on a pair of those cute, black ballet flats, add a black cardigan, and you are good to go."
"Really? You think so?" I asked as I checked out my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing a plum colored, cotton dress with a deep V in the front and back, shoulder ties and an empire bustline. "You don't think it's too casual?"
"With the flats, the cardigan, and the way I did your hair, you will be perfect. Now go find your cardigan and shoes, Dr. DILF will be here in five minutes, and I must say that I am anxious to meet this man," she replied with a wicked grin.
"Don't embarrass me, Alice. You know I really like this guy," I pleaded, walking back into my closet.
I was startled when I heard sharp knocks on the door.
"Eeee, he's here." Alice clapped as she jumped up and down. "I love a man who knows how to be on time. I'll go let him in."
"Be nice," I scolded as she ran out of my room.
I heard Alice open the door and introduce herself. I could tell Edward was charming the pants off her when she wasn't speaking as much as she normally does.
Now where are those shoes? I really need to clean my closet out and Alice needs to stop shopping for me. I would never buy these 4-inch BCBG heels; total death traps. I'm sure someone else would appreciate these more than I ever will. Ah-ha, there you are!
I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my sweater and clutch, walking out of my room to meet Alice and Edward, who were now sitting on the couch talking.
It looks like Alice found her voice again.
My breath hitched the moment Edward stood. He was wearing dark washed, denim jeans and a light blue polo, no undershirt, so the lines of his toned muscles could be made out. His hair was styled in the sexiest way, his eyes squinting alittle, as if he wanted to skip dinner and just take me to the bedroom. Which I wouldn't object to, if only Alice weren't still here. My jaw fell on its own.
Damn, this man gets sexier every time I see him.
He gave me that smirk that let me know that he enjoyed my reaction and found it amusing.
Cocky ass.
He walked over to me and hooked his finger under my chin, closing my mouth and placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Now breathe." He smirked again as I let a gush of air out. "You look gorgeous by the way."
"Thank you and I think it's obvious that I like what you’re wearing tonight," I told him as I bit the side of my bottom lip with a smile.
Edward closed his eyes and brought his thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose, letting out a gush of air.
Hm, I wonder how long it had been for him. It'd been nearly a year for me, but that's because working at a daycare didn't give you an opportunity to meet many single guys. Besides, I was not the type of girl to go to the club and sleep with some random guy I met that night.
"Alright, let’s go," he said, grabbing my hand. "It was nice meeting you, Alice. We'll have to double date sometime."
"I'll work it out. Have fun you two." Alice waved as we walked out the door.
"Oh, so you think this date is going to go so well that there will be another one?" I teased, walking down the stairs behind him.
"Oh I know there will be another one." He winked.
Again, cocky ass, but God, is it such a turn on.
"Where did this confident Edward come from?" I asked as he opened the car door for me, shutting it behind me and then walking around to get in himself.
"You told me to stop second guessing myself around you, so I am. And I hope you'll do the same," he told me as he started the car.
Taking a cue from him yesterday, “Well, in that case."
I leaned over the center console, placing my hand behind his neck and pulling his face closer to mine, pressing my lips to his. I felt his smile beneath my lips and I had to force down the giggle that was threatening to erupt. I'd never been so forward with a man before, but as I told Jacob, it felt right. We kissed until we both needed air.
"Bella," he sighed. "I could stay here and kiss you all night, but I think I heard your stomach growl while we still were in your apartment. Let's get some food in that stomach of yours. We'll have plenty of time to kiss later," he said, placing a quick kiss on my lips then leaning back to buckle his seatbelt and back out.
"So, where are you taking me anyway?" I asked, sitting back in the seat.
"To this restaurant downtown called Palomino. Have you heard of it?" he replied, glancing at me briefly before turning his attention back to the road.
"Actually I have, the food is really good."
"That's what my brother told me, too." Edward grabbed my hand, moving his thumb gently over my skin. We sat in comfortable silence the rest of the way to the restaurant.

Edward opened the door for me, leading me in with his hand resting on the small of my back.
The place was designed in a typical European-inspired American style. Dark wood all around, the tables had smooth marble-like tops and leather-like chairs. It wasn't the most romantic setting, but I didn't need it; I just wanted to get to know Edward better. He could have taken me to McDonald's and I would have been okay with that.

"Can I help you?" the hostess smiled, looking Edward up and down and obviously enjoying the eye candy standing in front of her. If I could have thrown daggers with my eyes, I would have with the glare I was giving this woman.
Edward tugged gently on my waist and held me closer to his side, pulling me out of my menacing stare.
"Yes, we need a table for two, please," he replied, giving my side a little squeeze and causing me to squirm. He looked down at me, his brow furrowed.
"I'm ticklish there." I smiled sheepishly.
"Oh, you shouldn't have told me that," he smiled, squeezing again.
"Stop, Edward," I giggled.
"Alright...for now," he said, pointing a finger at me.
Our bubble burst as the hostess cleared her throat. "Follow me, please.”
She led us to table for two towards the back of the restaurant and I was thankful for that; it was much quieter back here.
"Someone will be with you soon to take your order." She handed us both a menu, smiling at Edward before sashaying away. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Edward.
"What?" he asked.
"You didn't notice her eyeing you?" I asked incredulously.
"No, I didn't. Is that why you looked like you wanted to hurt her when we were standing back there?" he chuckled.
"It's not funny, Edward," I said, trying to hide my smile as I rolled my eyes. "You are very good looking and I don't like it when women eye you up and down like that. It's bad enough I have to watch the moms do it at the center."
"So only you can do that?" He eyed me.
"Yes," I stated mater-of-factly.
The waiter decided to interrupt our conversation at that moment.
"Hello, I'm Gene, I'll be your waiter tonight," he said, checking me out. I just rolled my eyes and looked at Edward, who didn't look too happy. "What can I get you two to drink?"
"I'll just have a Diet Coke, please," I answered.
"Sure. Are you ready to order?" Gene asked.
Neither one of us had a chance to look at the menu yet, having been too involved in our conversation. We both grabbed our menus and opened them up to skim over the selections.
"That's okay, take your time. I'll be right back with your drinks," he said before walking away with a wink.
"Okay, I see what you mean about people staring and feeling possessive," he told me, placing the menu down. "I wanted to punch that guy. He was looking right at your chest," he replied with a discreet hand gesture toward me.
"Does that mean you were too?" I teased, setting my menu down as well.
"I'll admit it, I was. What can I say? I'm a man,” he shrugged.
"Well, to be honest, it was one of the reasons why I chose this dress," I mentioned, leaning forward and resting my chin on my fist. Edward closed his eyes and shook his head, causing me to laugh.
"So, what looks good to you?" he asked, changing the subject and picking the menu up again.
"Hmm....I'm kind of torn between the Chicken Marsala and the Pan Seared Scallops and Prawns pasta dish," I replied, moving my finger over each entree explanation. "You?"
"I was thinking the same thing. What if we each order one and share?"
"That sounds good," I told him.
The waiter came back with our drinks, ready to take our orders. I ordered the chicken, Edward ordered the pasta dish and as the waiter walked away with our order, he threw another wink over his shoulder.
"Perhaps I should move your chair closer to me," Edward mentioned. "Maybe then he'll get the hint that you are with me."
"Oh, I think I like the possessiveness." I smiled, reaching across the table to take his hand.
"Alright, let's get to the whole dating conversation. Is Bella your name or a nickname?"
"Nickname. My real name is Isabella. I just always thought it was too proper for someone like me."
"Middle name?"
"Marie. And yours is Anthony?" I asked, recalling what Rosalie said.
"Yes. So tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up? What do your parents do? Where did you go to college? Tell me everything," he asked anxiously.
"Let's see... I was born in Forks, which isn't too far from here. My dad, Charlie, is the police chief there. He and my mom, Renee, got divorced when I was younger. She took me to Phoenix where she met her current husband, Phil. I moved back to Forks when that happened, I was seventeen. After high school, I went to the University of Washington, where I majored in English Literature. After graduation, I went to grad school for teaching."
"If you have those two degrees, why are you working for a daycare?"
"A couple of weeks after graduating, Jacob opened up his shop. Before that, it was just he and Leah running the place. So with Jacob gone, Leah needed some help. I stepped in and ended up really liking it. I mean some good came out of it." I shrugged with a smile.
"Some good? I would say all good, Bella." He winked. "If you weren't working for A New Moon, what would you be doing?"
"Probably teaching, but I know I got the better deal. I get to play with the kids, teach them how to read, count, say their ABC's, write, do arts and crafts."
"What grade would you teach?"
"Probably high school because of the assigned reading list. Classic literature is my favorite."
"Does your mom still live in Phoenix?"
"No, Renee and Phil moved to Jacksonville. She's a teacher at one of the Elementary schools and Phil is a baseball coach for one of the High schools. They love it."
"Do you get to see them often?"
"Not really. She's kind of created her own life for herself... I'm really happy for her. It's the happiest she has been in who knows how long."
"But what?"
"It sounded like a but was coming. Did I misunderstand that?"
"No, I guess not," I sighed. "It just sucks that she finally grew up and became the adult after I left. Renee wasn't your typical mother. She was very young-at-heart and because of that, I was forced to grow up quickly. I had to become the adult, making sure the bills were paid, that the food was made and put on the table. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love her but I wasn't allowed to be a kid."
"I can't really fault your mom for being who she was since I like the person you turned out to be. You’re beautiful, smart, caring, funny, understanding, a go-getter," he said leaning across the table, placing his hand on my cheek. "If it wasn't for you consoling me Friday night, we may have never kissed and we wouldn't be here now. On second thought, I may have tried to kiss you at the door, but then chickened out in the end," he laughed.
"Well, then I'm glad I risked injuring myself by jumping off that bed, because that kiss and the kisses since have been the best. I can't believe I'm going to tell you this, but for the last six months, I've dreamt about you and those lips. And the dreams did not do them justice," I told him as my cheeks turned red.
"Don't be embarrassed," he said, lifting my hand up and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Because for six months, I’ve been dreaming about you."
That comment just made my cheeks redder.
"That's another thing I like about you. The way you get embarrassed when someone pays you a compliment."
"Do you ever think it's weird? Whatever this is going on between us," I asked, furrowing my brow.
"Well, it's not the usual way to start a relationship, and yes I'm saying we are in a relationship. I don't know about you, but I just don't go around kissing random people in public." I shook my head as he cocked a questioning eyebrow my way. "Good, but I think that is what makes it special. We already had our first kiss so at the end of the date tonight, it won't be awkward. You already know I have a kid so I don't have to put that out there and watch you squirm. We're comfortable being near each other and touching each other, which I must say I enjoy. I know I'm just getting back into the whole dating scene again, but I like the way this is going. I feel more free to be me around you. No hiding or second guessing, just acting on impulse. I don't know how you're feeling but let me tell you that this feels right to me. You and me…together."
"I know what you mean. I was telling Jake the same thing yesterday. I mean I can't really complain since all my previous relationships started the same way and ended the same way, so maybe by starting things off a little backwards, it'll work out." I smiled.
When the waiter returned with our plates, Edward and I both leaned back in our chairs. I hadn't even realized that we had leaned into each other; it just felt natural for my body to move towards his.
We proceeded to eat a little before starting our conversation again. He fed me some of his pasta which was absolutely delicious, better than my chicken, and I fed him some of mine. I ended up eating half of his plate, thankfully he didn't mind; he just laughed at me.
"So, why pediatrics? I know you said your dad and grandfather were doctors but it sounded like they were surgeons," I asked, putting my fork down and taking a quick drink.
"Yes, they were surgeons, and my father still is; but I got a feel for pediatrics when I was interning. Like you, fell in love with working with kids. They're just so honest and blunt, they don't hide anything. There is no need to. Whereas adults, put off their pain until the very end and, in my opinion, are bigger babies."
"I don't know. I think some of the kids at the center can give those adults a run for their money when it comes to who is the bigger baby. We try to teach the kids to get up and laugh it off when they fall or hurt themselves. Even if there is blood, we try to make them laugh. Or at least Leah and Emily do. I run," I laughed, thinking of the last bloody scrape incident.
"You run?" he asked curiously.
"Yeah, I kind of pass out at the sight and smell of blood, which is really funny since I'm a huge klutz. I've been in and out of the hospital more times than I can count. When I lived in Forks, I was there so often that they gave Charlie his very own parking spot."
"What did you do?" he asked, concerned.
"Well my favorite one happened when I was eighteen. I became adventurous and decided that I wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle. So Jacob restored these two motorcycles I found on the side of the road and taught me how to ride. The first time I ran straight into this mossy area with trees and got a big 'ol gash on my forehead. Jacob was freaking out, it was the funniest thing. We were able to make it to the hospital and back home without Charlie finding out."
"What did you tell him happened?" he asked, a little shocked.
"That we were in Jacob's garage, I tripped and fell on a hammer that was lying on the floor. That too has happened before."
"Do you still ride?" he asked, leaning towards me and taking my hand in both of his.
"It's been a while. Charlie found out about the motorcycles and kind of forbid me to ever ride again," I replied. "Why do you ask?"
"Because I have one and I would love to take you for a ride one day."
"Really?" I asked excited, leaning towards him.
"Really," he answered, his eyes sparkling.
"That would be fantastic, Edward." I gave him a huge smile.
The waiter interrupted us at that moment, which was really getting to be annoying. We both leaned back but Edward kept my hand in his as the waiter picked up our plates.
"Can I interest you in dessert? We have this great..."
"No, I have my dessert already," Edward commented with that cocky smirk of his. Immediately, I dropped my head as my cheeks turned bright red.
"Okay, I'll be back with your check," he mentioned, walking away with our plates.
Since Edward was too far away to hit, I decided to kick him in the shin instead.
"Ow, what?" he asked innocently.
"That was so rude, Edward. And embarrassing," I told him, narrowing my eyes, trying to pull my hand away.
"Oh come on, Bella. He needed to know that you aren't single and I could have sworn you said you like the possessiveness." He placed a kiss on each one of my knuckles.
"I...I," I stuttered, pointing a finger at him. "Damn you. And not single? So what, am I your girlfriend after only one date?" I teased.
I've posed the question. Now what will he say? I bit my bottom lip, waiting for his answer and he kept me waiting. Must be payback for making him squirm yesterday.
"No," he answered. I could feel my face drop. "You are my girlfriend after 6 months of talking, a couple late night dinners with my daughter, one night of babysitting, two fantastic kissing incidents and now one date. How does that sound?"
"That sounds much better and not so crazy." I smiled widely.
I felt like such a dork for showing how elated I was with his answer, but I didn't care. Inside I was dancing like a little girl. Again, I'd never been one for titles; but with Edward, everything was different. I loved that he wanted to call me his and I wanted to call him mine.
"Here is your check." Gene placed the folder in the middle of the table. Edward quickly grabbed it, looked at it as he pulled out his wallet and then placed some cash inside.
"Keep the change," he said, handing the folder to the waiter.
"Thank you. Please come back and see us again." He winked at me a third time then walked away.
Edward chuckled as he shook his head and stood up, taking my hand and helping me up. He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me, placing a kiss on top of my head. I leaned back just a little to look into those gorgeous, green eyes. I raised up on my toes, moving my hands behind his head to pull his face down to mine, and kissed his lips gently.
"Mmm, you taste like that pasta," I said, licking my lips.
"As do you. Come on, let's get you home?" Edward suggested, placing another quick kiss on my lips then taking my hand and leading us out of the restaurant.
The car ride back to my apartment was quiet. I kept glancing over at Edward; he was driving with one hand on the steering wheel, the other was resting on top of mine. Looking at his profile, he looked tense like he was thinking about something and whatever it was, was waging a battle in his head. I could see his forehead crease, that vein popping out as he locked his jaw. I squeezed his hand gently, offering him a small smile as his eyes met mine and he offered a weak smile in return.
Great, he was second guessing himself again. I don't get it; we both admitted that this feels right. How can he go from Mr. Cocky and Confident to this? I don't know what else I can do to show him that this is right.
He pulled into a parking spot in front of my apartment and parked the car with his free hand. He didn't look at me, but didn't remove his hand from mine either. I unbuckled my seat belt and turned so that I was facing him, my left leg bent on the seat.
"Do you want to come up?" I asked nervously.
"It's getting late, I should go pick up Lexi, get her home," he replied, still not looking at me.
"Oh," I said disappointed, averting my eyes to the clock. It was almost 11 pm. "I guess you're right." I took my hand out of his and unbuckled my seat belt. "Thanks for a wonderful evening, Edward. I really enjoyed myself. I'll see you tomorrow."
I grabbed my purse and went for the door handle, pushing it open. With one foot out the door, I stopped to deliberate for a second.
Am I really going to leave this car without getting my goodnight kiss? He called me his girlfriend; we are together now. Well, you know what they say about getting something done right; you gotta do it yourself.
I turned back around; he still wasn't looking at me. On impulse, I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his, hard. I had to show him that what I felt for him, whatever it was, was real and pure. I couldn't have him second guessing himself because that would mean he was second guessing us. My gesture had taken him by surprise, taking a moment for his lips to start moving with mine. As soon as they did, I licked his bottom lip with my tongue seeking entrance. It took some coaxing but he finally allowed me access. I felt his arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him as our tongues danced together. My hands moved to his hair, raking through it; I couldn't get enough of this man. We broke free for air, but his lips continued to pepper kisses along my jawline and neck. I tilted my head back to grant him better access. Feeling his lips on another part of my body was amazing. He moved back to my lips, this time allowing himself to take control and I eagerly welcomed his tongue. I moaned into his mouth and then felt his body suddenly go rigid. He pulled away just enough to place a quick kiss on my lips then leaned back against the door. I tried to pull his face back to mine, but he wouldn't budge. I let go, crossing my arms over my chest and pouted. Yes, I pouted like a child. I was upset and Edward had the audacity to laugh at me.
"What? Am I funny to you now?" I asked, upset.
"You, pouting? Yes, that is funny to me." I humphed at that comment and he chuckled softly, trying unsuccessfully to unfold my arms. "Okay, I'm sorry for laughing, come on, Bella, don't be mad at me."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't be mad at you?" I glared at him.
"Do you honestly want to make out in my car?" he asked, running his hand through his now tousled hair.
"I initiated it, didn't I? And if I remember correctly I asked if you wanted to come up. We could be making out on my nice, comfy couch right now."
"And I turned you down, not because I didn't want to, because you know I can't turn those lips of yours away..."
"Well you certainly didn't have a problem doing that a second ago," I mumbled.
"Yes, because of that moan. I didn't want to take it too far. Besides, we're in my car. What are we in high school again? And Bella, yes, we have these feelings for each other that won't make sense to anyone else but us, but it's still our first date."
"I see your point," I mumbled.
"What was that?" he asked with that smirk.
"I see your point," I said louder.
"Good. Now come on, I'll walk you to your door." Edward got out of the car and walked around to my side, opening the door and holding his hand out for me to take. When I stood up, he pulled me into his side placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Silly Bella."
He led me up the stairs, keeping his hand on the small of my back. I almost tripped from not paying attention, but Edward grabbed me around the waist before my face could meet wood.
"Bella, I had an amazing time with you tonight," he said, placing his hands on my hips. "I want to take you out again. How does Saturday night sound?"
"Why not Friday?" I asked before I could even think about what I was saying.
He chuckled. "Because I promised Rose and Emmett that I would watch the boys Friday night since they are watching Lexi for me tonight."
"Then Saturday night it is." I placed my arms on his biceps, giving them a light squeeze.
"Would you like to help me babysit?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm not sure how much babysitting would be going on." I smiled.
"Good point. I'm just glad I don't have to wait four days to see you again. Tomorrow morning," he said, pulling me closer and placing a chaste kiss on my lips but that wasn'tenough for me. I slid my hands to the back of his head, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He entertained my need for more by not pulling away and because of that, I was the first one to pull back.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning." I smiled, biting my bottom lip.
Edward dropped his head, shaking it with a chuckle causing me to laugh too.
"I know I'm making this hard, but I'm not sorry. I told you, those lips make me do crazy things." I smiled.
"Apparently they do and I must have some strong ass will power to be turning down your advances. Have sweet dreams, Bella."
"Oh, I will." I winked. "Goodnight, Edward. Thanks for tonight." I leaned up and pressed a quick kiss on his lips before letting him go.
"Goodnight, Bella." I watched him back away, ruffling his hair with his hand.
I turned around, unlocked my door and went inside to get ready for bed where I would dream of Dr. Edward Cullen again.
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